Populate study data

From 3 June 2024, all intervention and flexible (rapid) reviews and protocols of these review types have study-centric data management enabled as a default system setting. See Study centric data management.

Study-centric data management does not prevent you from setting up and editing manual-input analyses in your review. See Set up a manual-input analysis.

Ways of populating study data

Once you have set up the review criteria, you can populate study data for the included studies.

There are three ways to enter study data: 

  1. Via an import using CSV files, such as those exported from Covidence or from RevMan
  2. Via an import of a JSON file, such as those exported from RevMan
  3. Enter study data manually

As analyses are defined at the protocol stage, i.e. before populating data, forest plots will automatically update after the import of study data. 

If you want to import the bibliographic references data for included studies, you must upload the RIS file before importing the study data, otherwise studies will be duplicated in RevMan. See further instructions for importing references for studies into RevMan

Types of study data

Study data that can be populated for the included studies are: 

  • Study information, which include
    • study characteristics
    • covariate names and categories
  • Study arms
    • arms captured for a study and which intervention they map to
  • Study results
    • study-specific outcomes
    • interventions
    • result data
  • Risk of bias assessments
    • Judgment and support for judgement for each risk of bias domain