Import study data from JSON

From 3 June 2024, all intervention and flexible (rapid) reviews and protocols of these review types have study-centric data management enabled as a default system setting. See Study centric data management.

Study-centric data management does not prevent you from setting up and editing manual-input analyses in your review. See Set up a manual-input analysis.

Upload reference data before study data

If you want to import the bibliographic references data for included studies, upload the RIS file before importing the study data. This order is important - if you import them afterwards then you’ll get duplicate studies in RevMan. 

Import study data

The import allows you to: 

  1. Create new studies with their data
  2. Update existing studies (if you import new data it overrides the previous versions in RevMan)
  3. Import one or more types of data at the same time

  1. Go to the review Dashboard in RevMan. Select 'Import study data' from the 'Actions' panel.
  2. On the import study data page, select 'Import from JSON' and upload the JSON file.
    1. If you get validation errors, you will need to resolve these before you can continue to import. 
  3. When all import validation errors have been resolved, you can click 'Import study data'. 
  4. Select 'OK, continue' to confirm the import. RevMan will import your study data and report on which studies were created and/or updated. A version will be tagged in the review 'History' panel before import, so you can revert the changes if needed.