The basic elements stored in Archie are collectively known as resources. A person record is one type of resource - a document is another. The Resources tab contains the Resources explorer, where you can use the Resources tree to browse to the resource you are looking for.
The types of resources are :
- Documents, divided into
- Reviews - Each Review Group's reviews, organized into subfolders. You can view a summary of the number of reviews in various stages by clicking the Reviews folder in the tree view
- Files - Other types of files, such as checklists for referees, spreadsheets, Module text in HTML format for CRGs, Methods Groups and Fields or other administrative files can be stored and shared in each group's Files folder.
- People - All the people affiliated with a group are shown in the People folder, organized in subfolders according to the role they play in the Group (their Group Roles: Author, Editor, etc.). You can view a summary of the number of people with various Group Roles in the folder view by clicking the People folder in the tree view.
- Groups - All Cochrane groups, such as Centres, Review Groups or the Editorial and Operations Units.
- Notes - Notes are always attached to some other resource.
- Derivative products - Products that are based on reviews, such as podcasts or guidelines, can be listed with links to the relevant reviews.
Using the resources explorer
The resources explorer contains a tree view on the left and a folder view on the right. Use the tree view to navigate through the folders. The folder view shows the contents of the current folder. The small toolbar directly above the Resources tree (Figure 1) gives you three options for how many groups are displayed in the tree view:
- Show all groups
- Show affiliated groups - this only lists those groups you have a role in
- Show primary group
These options are also available under Preferences.

Figure 1. The resources tree toolbar
The Favourites folder contains all resources (such as documents) that you have marked as Favourites, grouped by resource type.
Since Archie is accessed over the Internet using a browser, the system has been designed to minimize the time the user has to wait for a response from the server. This means that the information displayed in the Resources explorer is not continuously updated, and may occasionally have to be refreshed.
You can do so in several ways:
- by using View > Refresh, or
- by using the Refresh Folder button from the toolbar above the Resources tree (Figure 1).
When you use Refresh Folder, only the currently highlighted folder is refreshed.
You can select resources directly in the folder view by ticking the check box in front of each resource. You can select or deselect all items in a folder by ticking or unticking the box in the table header row.
See also Favourites