All users with access to Archie can view all public resources and edit their own record. Some users will have additional permissions to view or edit particular resources. These permissions are based on the user's roles:
- Super Users have full permissions for all the resources belonging to a group.
- Group Roles such as Assistant ME can be configured to give permissions for some or all of the resources belonging to a group. The standard CRG roles have been set up with default permissions. See Permissions linked to Review Group roles.
- Document Roles, such as Author, give access rights for the relevant document. See Document roles.
Permissions for all users with Archie access
All users with access to Archie can:
- Read and edit their own contact details.
- Read (but not edit) non-hidden contact details for all persons.
- View the titles of all documents (but not read or edit the contents).
- Read the properties of all derivative products.
Permissions based on Group Roles
Super Users have full control of all their group's resources. This means the ability to create, read, and edit information, including information marked as 'hidden'. Super Users can also publish documents.
Super Users may wish to share their permissions with another member of their group. Super Users can share a subset of their permissions, such as the ability to edit contact details, by modifying the permission level assigned to the person's Group Role.
For example, an ME (as Super User) can modify the permission level for the Staff role in the CRG to allow all staff to create and edit persons. See Editing Group Roles and Group Role permissions.
- Note: Assigning permissions to a Group Role will affect both current and future users who have the role, but only within the group in question.
Permissions based on Document Roles
In addition to having group roles users can also be assigned roles in relation to specific documents. See Document Roles.
See also Access to Archie: group roles and permissions, Group roles, Authoring and editorial phases
Special User permissions
As well as the permissions that users are granted through the standard permissions, and their entity role permissions, a small number of people who have special roles within Cochrane are included in Special User Groups (through Archie’s administrative interface) that give access to data across all entities.
The table below lists Special User Groups and their associated permissions, the person responsible for approving membership, and the default membership, where relevant.
Name | Permissions | Person responsible for approving membership |
Cochrane Register of Studies (CRS) |
| CRS Project Manager |
CIS (Cochrane Information Specialist) Support Team |
| CIS Team Manager |
Community Support Team |
| Membership and Support Manager |
ME (Managing Editor) Support Team |
| ME Support Manager |
Editorial and Methods Department (EMD) |
| Editor in Chief |
Monitors |
| Chief Executive Officer; Automatically approved members of this user group: elected members of the Board; staff of the Central Executive Team (CET); and members of the Monitoring and Registration Committee (MaRC) |
Podcast editors and Translators |
| Editor in Chief, Translation Working Group |
Publishers |
| Publisher, The Cochrane Library |
Research Projects |
| Editor in Chief |
Central Executive Team (CET) | Edit contact details of all persons | CET Administrator |
SysAdmins | Full control over all functions and data | CIS Team Manager |