Decision log

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Decision log panel

The Decision log panel on the RevMan dashboard shows actions taken on the review. These can include:

The panel is displayed underneath the History panel and can be viewed by anyone with access to the review. 

If no actions have been taken, the Decision log panel will be hidden.

Practice reviews do not display the decision log panel. 

The Decision log panel in RevMan displays the same key decisions that are displayed in Portfolio Management. Organization administrators and unit leads can read more about how to view key decisions in Portfolio Management here.

Decision types

The following key actions are recorded in the Decision log panel:

Decision typeDescription
Authorship change *

New byline: list of authors

Milestone status **

A milestone was completed/re-opened.

Project status **

New: Not started (review is read-only) 

Started: Project initiated 

Completed: Project closed (review is read-only) 

Lifecycle assessment **

Assess by: The reassessment for a project status is set for a specific date. 

Never assess: A reassessment is not required. 

Editorial status (Cochrane Reviews only)






Publication (Cochrane Reviews only; the event is linked to the Cochrane Library)

"DOI" published on "Month Day, Year" at  "time" UTC ***

* The Decision log panel only records authorship changes as of 18 January 2024.

** Changes in milestone status, project status and lifecycle assessment only apply to reviews that are managed in Portfolio Management.

*** All publication events are recorded in the decision log in the UTC time zone.