Cochrane authors and staff
- All changes you make in your review are continuously and automatically saved. You can tag a version if needed.
- You can work concurrently on different sections of the review. If you work simultaneously on the same section, RevMan will notify you.
- Advanced integrations are available in RevMan to enhance review quality and support Cochrane's latest methods. You can use Risk of Bias 2, create your 'Summary of findings' tables via GRADEpro GDT and enable Study centric data management.
- Practice reviews are available for all to try out features and functions.
- The Cochrane Support team are always available to answer any RevMan queries!
If you are an author on a Cochrane protocol, review or update, log in to RevMan to access your reviews.
- Click on the title of your review under Reviews I am authoring.
- If you have any access issues, please follow the troubleshooting steps below.
I can't log in to RevMan
You need a Cochrane account to log in to RevMan. You will receive an email invitation when you are invited to be an author on a review.
- Follow the link in the email to accept the invitation.
- If you do not have a Cochrane account, see Sign up for a Cochrane Account.
- If you have a Cochrane account, please reset your password and retry. See Username and password.
- When you can log in to RevMan, if you cannot see your review listed please follow the instructions below.
I can log in to RevMan but my review is not listed
If you can log in to RevMan but you cannot see your review, please contact to request access.
- Copy in the Corresponding author of your review (to verify your authorship)
- Provide the following information:
- Review title
- Editorial Manager manuscript number (the Corresponding author can provide this, if you do not have it)
- Email address registered to your Cochrane account
Editors and staff supporting authors
Right-click on the review title in Archie and select Open in RevMan.
Editors and staff can access reviews at any time, in both Authoring and Editorial phase. Editing rights will depend on your editorial role. See View a version.
Dashboard icon
The dashboard icon will show next to the review title when the review is in editorial phase (locked for editing). You can still access the review Dashboard and selected versions of the review.
Next to the institutional logo, you will see a random geometric icon, which you can change to your profile picture by creating a Gravatar. See Update my profile picture in my Cochrane Account.