Group reports
All groups have a group report that lists the status and address information, sources of support and a list of Group Roles in use.
Centres, Fields and Review Groups have Monitoring forms. In addition, Review Groups and Field/Networks have a number of special reports that are only available for those group types.
All reports open in the Document viewers - see Viewing documents for details on the available options.
To open a group Report
- Find the group for which you want to view the report (e.g., by using Quick Search).
- Right-click the name and choose Reports > Group Report.
CRG and Field/Networks reports
The following reports are only available for Review Groups and Field/Networks:
- Topics List
- Topics List (Meerkat format)
See Topics lists for more information.
CRG reports
The following reports are only available for Review Groups (except for the Publication Pipeline, which is also available for translating groups):
- Publication report - The way each category, for example, substantively updated, is defined, is described in the report. By default, the publication report will be for the current issue of the Cochrane Library, but you can also see reports from previous issues by choosing the issue from the pull-down list under the report heading.
- Summary - lists the total number of Reviews and Protocols being published; the number of new, amended, conclusions changed, updated, updated and conclusions changed, withdrawn, stable, unchanged reviews and protocols; and the title, byline, review number and date for each new, updated, amended, commented and withdrawn review and protocol.
- Detailed - in addition to the above also lists the title, byline and date for all Reviews and Protocols being published.
Publication Pipeline - A report showing all reviews (or translations) marked for publication. By default these are grouped by the following pipeline statuses:
'A - Pending delivery date' - marked for publication but selected delivery time has not been reached.
'B - Withheld from delivery' - delivery time has been reached but LfP forms are missing.
'C - To be delivered' - ready to be collected for publication.
'D - To be published' - collected but not yet published
'E - Published within last [n] days' - successfully published. You can specify how many days to include.
'X - No delivery date, including rejected reviews' - used in the rare event that publication fails. Should this occur, automatic notification is sent to the System Administrators, and the CRG (see Notifications).
- Updating Classification Status Report there are 5 sub reports that can be generated based on the recent classified status of the review. Each report contains review titles, review number, review type (INT or DTA), review status (withdrawn/active), update status, rationale, date when status was added or revised, and the name of the person who applied the status.
- Any Update Status - shows all reviews which have been assigned an "Update Status". -----
- No update planned - shows all reviews which have been assigned "No update planned" status.
- Up to date - shows all reviews which have been assigned "Up to date" status.
- Update pending shows all reviews which have been assigned "Update pending" status. ----
- No Update Status - shows all reviews which do have any assigned classification status.
- Workflow Status Report - provides an overview of all workflows in your Group. This report contains options that allow you to select workflows by due date, workflow type and Write Phase of a review. Various options for grouping and sorting are also available.
- Statistics - shows a review development statistics such as the number of processed reviews, the time in days spent for all reviews as mean (with standard deviation) and median (with interquartile range) and a table of observation values. Within each of the first four reports, you can choose whether to include or exclude reviews that have not yet reached the 'end event' (publication of the end product). You can also view a graphical time-to-event analysis of the data at the end of the tabular reports. For this time-to-event analysis, you can exclude Inactive and Withdrawn reviews by ticking the relevant box underneath the graph:
- Title to Protocol - shows the time (in days) for a review to go from Registered Title to Protocol publication.
- Title to Review - shows the time (in days) for a review to go from Registered Title to Full Review publication.
- Protocol to Review - shows the time (in days) for a review to go from Protocol to Full Review publication.
- Full Review to First Update - shows a time span used for a review development to move from Review to First Full Review Update publication. -----
- Publication History Graph - shows the cumulative number of published Protocols, Full Reviews and (optionally) Updated Reviews over time. It is possible to customize the graph, e.g. by choosing the issues to include. When the chosen period includes both quarterly and monthly published issues, the graph will retain a quarterly publication scale (by only using monthly issues 1, 4, 7 and 10). ----
- Workflow Statistics Report - provides statistical analysis of time (in days) spent between workflow events. You can specify which workflow to analyze, the start and end events (and wether to task count from/to the Started or Completed date). To generate the report click Update. After executing the search, the result will be summarized in the table, below the filter options. This table shows the number of workflows, max/min days spent for workflows, mean, median, upper and lower quartiles. You can use the Detailed Results option to include a table listing the data for each included workflow, including how many tasks were skipped in each, and a time-to-event graph of the results. The report also allows you to select workflows for further analysis (see Selection and exporting).
- Out-of date Protocols - shows a list of all published protocols which, on the day you run the report, are out of date or will be out of date within a year. For the purposes of this report, a protocol is considered out of date if the full review has not been published two years after publication of the protocol.
- Out-of date Reviews - shows a list of all published reviews which, on the day you run the report, are out of date or will be out of date within a year. For the purposes of this report, a review is considered out of date if Assessed as Up-to-date is more than two years in the past. Reviews published as Stable are excluded from the report.
- Validate All Reviews - this report runs a validation check for all Protocols and Full Reviews in the group. For each review, the report ignores draft versions, and only looks at the version that is currently scheduled for publication (see Validation rules).
- Document Role Report - This report can be used to generate lists of people who have been assigned particular Document Roles on reviews at various Stages (e.g., Registered Title, Protocol) and with various Statuses (All, Active, Withdrawn, or Inactive). To generate the desired information, select the appropriate options from the pull-down menus at the top of the report viewer and lick Update.
- Workflow Role Report and Workflow Roles Workload Report - see Workflow reports.
- Country/Role/Gender report - provides the number of contributors grouped by Country, Role and Gender.