To be able to log in to Archie, you must have a Cochrane Account and a role that grants Archie access (e.g. editorial staff, Super User). All contacts registered in Archie have a person record and a linked user account (their Cochrane Account). 

Cochrane Accounts

User accounts can be either active or inactive. The Settings tab on a person's record shows if users have activated their accounts.

Create a new Cochrane Account

New contacts created via the Archie New Person Wizard will automatically have a Cochrane Account created for them, and will be sent an email with instructions on how to activate their account. See Creating a person record.

Activate an existing Cochrane Account

Existing contacts who have not yet activated their account, can do so by visiting any Cochrane Account login page (e.g. and clicking on ‘Reset password’. This will send a link to their primary email address, with instructions on how to activate their account.

If you are a group Super User and wish to activate a person's account, please direct the person to visit any Cochrane Account login page and click on 'Reset password'.

If you are a group Super User and wish to activate accounts in bulk, for a group of contacts in your group, you can request a bulk activation email be sent centrally. Please contact for more information.

Usernames and passwords

Each contact’s account username matches the primary email address on the record. Passwords can only be reset by users themselves, using the ‘Reset password’ link on any Cochrane Account login page (e.g. See Access to Archie: group roles and permissions.

Cochrane Account Self-Sign-Up

Anyone who wishes to get involved with Cochrane's work can sign up for a Cochrane Account. Potential contributors should go to and complete a short form to provide details of their first name, family name, email address and country of residence.
This then creates an Archie record containing these details. The person's primary group will be Cochrane Account Self-Sign-Up. People in the group Cochrane Account Self-Sign-Up will have no group roles. The first group to add a group role, e.g. author, will automatically become the person’s primary group.

 Cochrane self-sign-up accounts are deleted if they have not been activated within 24 hours. If an account was created less than 24 hours ago, please check if it has been activated (see screenshot above) before adding the contact to a review or a workflow. Person records created via the Archie New Person Wizard remain in the system, even if the user does not activate the account.

  • The first group to add a group role, e.g. author, will automatically become the person’s primary group. See Assigning roles to people.
  • Any group can add an affiliation for a review byline, see Personal contact details. Your group does not have to be the author's Primary Group to do this.
  • If major changes beyond adding an affiliation are required, you can request that your group becomes the user's Primary Group using the Suggest changes function, see Suggesting changes.
  • If you find that a member of your group has an existing Cochrane Account Self-Sign-Up record, you can mark this as a duplicate and then delete it, see Marking records as duplicates