How can I change my group contact and address information?
Your group contact and address information in Archie must be kept up to date in order to ensure that the details display correctly on the Cochrane website. The list of Fields Groups and linked map are populated from the group properties in Archie.
Check Cochrane's list of Fields to see if your group’s contact information is up to date and your website URL is listed.
If changes are needed, log in to Archie and follow the instructions in Editing a group.
Please note it may take up to 24 hours for all changes made to show up on other websites, which are fed from Archie. If you edit your group information and the changes do not display after 24 hours, or your location does not update on the group map, please contact
Which group roles should I allocate to people involved with my group?
Fields Groups have the following roles available. Everyone who works with your group should have the Staff role.
You must notify the Cochrane Central Executive when certain group roles change. See Group roles.
Available group roles | Purpose of Archie group role | Do people with this role have access to Archie? |
Director | Leadership of the group | YES |
Information Specialist | Grants access to CRS to maintain segment | YES |
Super User | Administer the group and group roles | YES |
Advisory Board Member | Key non-staff stakeholders | NO |
Group Member | Core group members | NO |
Mailing List | Address book | NO |
Other | Volunteer contributors (with relevant role specification) | NO |
Staff | Grants permissions to access staff resources | NO |
Web Publisher | Grants permissions to edit websites | NO |
Please allocate the Staff role to everyone who works with your group.
You can add Role Specifications to all roles as needed, to manage people's more efficiently. You can choose any specifications you wish.
Role Specifications might include:
- Coordinator
- Social media poster
- Summer Intern
Why are group roles important?
See Super Users' guide to Archie.
Cochrane Fields can also specify thematic Topics. See Topics lists.