
Sprint startSprint endScope
31/07/202311/08/2023Focused review format
14/08/202325/08/2023Focused review format
28/08/202308/09/2023Study-centric data; Angular upgrade
11/09/202322/09/2023Study-centric data; Angular upgrade
25/09/202306/10/2023Angular upgrade
09/10/202320/10/2023Angular upgrade
23/10/202303/11/2023Angular upgrade

Angular upgrade

Recordings folder: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Informatics%20%26%20Knowledge%20Management/projects/w1-revproduction/future%20of%20review%20production/RevMan%20Web/RevMan%20Web%20sprint%20demos

Sprint review 


Sprint goal 🎯

Convert router to Angular ✅

Quarterly goals

Drive uptake of focused review format


  • Navigating between analyses
  • Protection against loss of data from dialogs


Sprint review 

Recording: https://cochranecollaboration-my.sharepoint.com/personal/sgardner_cochrane_org/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fsgardner%5Fcochrane%5Forg%2FDocuments%2FRecordings%2FSprint%20review%2D20231103%5F101707%2DMeeting%20Recording%2Emp4&ga=1&referrer=StreamWebApp%2EWeb&referrerScenario=AddressBarCopied%2Eview

Sprint goal 🎯

Complete full-text components conversion ✅

Quarterly goals

Drive uptake of focused review format


  • Quick update on Angular migration - only dialogs and final stages of project left
  • Moving authors to/from the byline
  • Crediting those without Cochrane accounts on the byline
  • Find/replace UI tweak
  • Navigating back to the references list


Total unique users of RevMan Web in the last 30 days: 6,091 (+156)

Sprint review  

Recording: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5w6q6g4a1mpihqrbh2734/Sprint-review-20231006_101741-Meeting-Recording.mp4?rlkey=nmudqtw8xhpq33ifflf6qz2pc&dl=0

Sprint goal 🎯

  • Complete planned Angular migration tickets ⏳


  • Quick update on Angular migration
  • New user flow for creating practice review from focused review format prototype
  • Transferring CSV data from RevMan to GRADEpro to create SoF tables (alternative user flow for non-Cochrane authors)

Quarterly goals

  • Focused review format launched! rocket emoji
  • Group studies by interventions DONE (tick)
  • Migrate to Angular
    • 79/269 components converted (29% complete) (on-track - the biggest risk is forced UI changes)


Total unique users of RevMan Web in the last 30 days: 5,935 (-97)

Sprint review  

Recording: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d0epk7n8ws7xyv4p343px/Sprint-review-20230922_111605-Meeting-Recording.mp4?rlkey=splex56dxkge0t90vsk5loe27&dl=0

Sprint goal 🎯

  • (tick) Finish intervention grouping stories
  • (tick) Roll out focused review format by default


  1. New reviews are created with Focused Review Format enabled
  2. Automatic analyses can now group studies by the included interventions

Quarterly goals

  • Focused review format launched! rocket emoji
  • Group studies by interventions DONE (tick)
  • Migrate to Angular
    • Scope mapped out
    • 38/62 stories refined and estimated (146 story points so far)
    • 23/62 stories done (91 story points)


Total unique users of RevMan Web in the last 30 days: 6032 (+1000)

Archie / PortoCochrane / non-Cochrane

Reviews with advanced features in Archie

  • GRADEPro integration: 377 (+9)
  • RoB 2: 260 (+10)
  • Study-centric data: 156 (+24)

Reviews in Porto

  •  1273 (+234)

Number of study-centric analyses 

  • Total:  3649 (+299)
  • Archie: 1333 (+33)
  • Porto: 2316 (+266)

Total reviews

  • Cochrane: ?
  • non-Cochrane: 1188

Reviews with advanced features

  • Study-centric data
    • Cochrane: 159
    • Other: 1347
  • GRADEpro GDT integration
  • Risk of Bias 2

Number of study-centric analyses

  • Cochrane: 1349
  • Non-Cochrane: 2302


No sprint report?

(Sprint started )

Sprint Goal 🎯

  • Reviews can be switched to Focussed Review Format ✅


  1. Reviews can be switched to Focussed Review Format
    1. Lists in Plain Language Summary
    2. 2.Word count on Preview
    3. 3.Export supplementary materials
  2. Article can be exported as HTML (Rasmus)
  3. Non-Archie reviews can be Cochrane reviews (Gert)
  4. Non-Cochrane reviews can be exported (Gert)

Upcoming deadlines

22 August - soft launch (opt in) ✅

21 September - default for new reviews


  1. Understand how new review format should be enabled for review updates
  2. Enable focused review format: 1 story to enable by default (3 points)
  3. Templates: Archie "new review wizard" changes (5 points)


Total unique users of RevMan Web in the last 30 days: 5032(-1319)

Reviews with advanced features in Cochrane

  • GRADEPro integration: 368 (+5)
  • Study-centric data: 132 (+7)

Reviews in Porto

  •  1039 (+99)

Number of study-centric analyses 

  • Total:  3350 (+296) 
  • Archie: 1300 (+80)
  • Porto: 2050 (+226)