Priorities 2022

Note that quarters are indicative and not something we commit to, adding to give current view of priorities:


  • RMW-2763 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
  • RMW-1887 - Getting issue details... STATUS (enable on production+ run scripts) 
  • RMW-1054 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RMW-2599 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • RMW-2599 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Project management (scoping and development)
  • RMW-2782 - Getting issue details... STATUS (scoping and development)
  • RMW-2170 - Getting issue details... STATUS (scoping and development)
  • Create copy of review (scoping and development) 
  • RMW-2685 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • RMW-2782 - Getting issue details... STATUS (development)
  • RMW-2764 - Getting issue details... STATUS (development)


  • RMW-2764 - Getting issue details... STATUS (development)

Work that may rise in priority if scoping makes progress within 2022

  • RMW-2781 - Getting issue details... STATUS (priority unclear atm as scoping is blocked but seen as a quick win towards shortening review format)
  • Direct submission (solution unclear, so impact on RPT unclear, but there is a board decision to support)
  • New review format (solution unclear, so impact on RPT unclear, but there is a board decision to support)
  • Response to non-Cochrane user requests (would need to be urgent/high value & low effort)
  • Stories that will simplify Retiring RevMan 5 (would need to be low effort & high value)
  • Copy editors move to using Fonto

Epics likely out of scope for 2022


  • Enable ingest on production may move to Q2 due to external dependencies
  • It's not clear when Covidence will be ready to generate files to import but my hope is that we would be able to do our work asynchronously and that most of the work would be scoping the solution and that the development work could be included some time in 2022.  
  • Show which versions are Accepted is one story
  • Create copy of review is one or a few smaller stories
  • For AWS most work is for sysAdmins so we don't need to schedule this on the roadmap
  • Retire Archie has a lower priority than retiring RM5 and moving to Angular
  • Increase safety net: first setup and plan for increasing automated testing has lower priority than retiring RevMan 5 and moving to Angular (and we don't have the knowledge in the team)
  • Expect to make some progress on Angular continuously until we have dedicated time in a quarter


  • Conflict between priorities: Strategy for change (supplementary materials, direct submission) vs Retiring RM5 ->blocker for new review format) vs Moving to Angular vs RMW for Non-Cochrane reviews) vs EPT & CLIB-RMW vision
  • Team capacity and health
