
Sprint startSprint endFocus

19/01/2024Decision log & figures refactor
22/01/202403/02/2024Fixes and UX improvements around intervention groups
05/02/202416/02/2024Improvements in response to FRF testing
19/02/202401/03/2024Feedback from PPM pilot
04/03/202414/03/2024Feedback from PPM pilot

Sprint Review - 15th Mar 2024 (Brave Broccoli 🥦)

Recording - 

Sprint Goal 🎯

Project and portfolio management changes can be demoed, and Porto is noticeably more performant


  • RMW-3751 Helping authors understand the difference between the various types of internal links - Roman
  • Restriction on number of table rows increased - Sean
  • For project and portfolio management features:
    • More intuitive and accessible indictors for task/milestone and publication status - Sean
    • Authors now have control over the byline and their affiliations - Roman
    • Huge improvement to performance, with many pages loading in a fraction of the time - Rasmus
    • Ability for org admins to delete review from portfolio - Rasmus


Sprint Review - 1st Mar 2024 (Amazing Aubergines)

Recording - RevMan sprint demo-20240301_091610-Meeting Recording.mp4 (sharepoint.com)

Sprint Goal 🎯

We can show PPM pilot groups that we have actioned some of their feedback

Demo (Roman)

  • A new structure to the My Reviews page that makes it clearer which reviews a user is authoring vs supporting
  • More neutral terminology around authorship changes, and the ability to audit the byline at different points in the decision log


Sprint Review - 16th Feb 2024

Recording - RevMan sprint demo-20240216_091654-Meeting Recording.mp4

Sprint Goal 🎯

Weights display issue is completely resolved


  • Relaxed validation for reviews in focussed format
    • Citing included studies in tables
    • Ordering of supplementary material citations


Sprint Review - 2nd Feb 2024

Recording - https://cochranecollaboration-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/sgardner_cochrane_org/ESZYioI42NhJndKBHnY0bTwBmm1bSuHs2yBXzEzKjML5Mw?referrer=Teams.TEAMS-ELECTRON&referrerScenario=MeetingChicletGetLink.view.view

Sprint Goal 🎯

Everyone contributes to fixing the display weights issue


  • Changing authorship, with editorial policy prompts/warnings (Roman)
  • Improved visibility of links
  • Improved insertion of numbers in-text citations, preventing nested brackets (Rasmu)


Sprint Review - 19th Jan 2024

Recording - RevMan sprint demo-20240119_091713-Meeting Recording.mp4

Sprint Goal 🎯

Generate FRF figures from ReviewDB directly


  • Display of new events in the decision log
  • Access to decision log by those without access to Porto (authors)
  • History panel performance
