Improve how data gets into RevMan Web (part III)

What business value does this roadmap item create? / Which problem is this roadmap item trying to solve?

There is currently a feature to use a template for a review in Archie. This functionality is dependent on the RevMan 5 format and as part of moving to JATS as the internal format the template functionality need to be preserved and was suggested to fit best in RevMan Web. 

Projects that have requested a template functionality in RevMan Web because they otherwise need to create the template in RevMan 5. 

  • RoB 2
  • NMA

Templates are used more frequently in some review groups as a means of guiding authors to  write the review article. There is a potential for templates to create more value by being more broadly used.  

How can the value delivered be measured?

More reviews are using templates after the feature has been available for X time.

Which assumptions are made in relation to the value?

Templates are an effective way of guiding authors to use new methods. 
There is value in making review articles more consistent. 

What are the dependencies for fulfilling the business value?

The workflow for creating reviews is likely to change with the new EMS. 

The template functionlity in Archie should be removed when it's available in RevMan Web.

What are the risks related to this roadmap item?

What is included in the scope of this solution?

  • Create and manage CRG templates in RevMan Web
  • Global default templates in RevMan Web

How much time do we estimate to implement this roadmap item?

This is a guesstimate made by the Review Production Team based on known information about the roadmap item and the capacity of the team at the time of estimation (June 2020).

Small = within 1 sprint = within 2 weeks.

What business value does this roadmap item create? / Which problem is this roadmap item trying to solve?

There is currently a feature to use a template for a review in Archie. This functionality is dependent on the RevMan 5 format and as part of moving to JATS as the internal format the template functionality need to be preserved and was suggested to fit best in RevMan Web. 

Projects that have requested a template functionality in RevMan Web because they otherwise need to create the template in RevMan 5. 

  • RoB 2
  • NMA

Templates are used more frequently in some review groups as a means of guiding authors to  write the review article. There is a potential for templates to create more value by being more broadly used.  

How can the value delivered be measured?

More reviews are using templates after the feature has been available for X time.

Which assumptions are made in relation to the value?

Templates are an effective way of guiding authors to use new methods. 
There is value in making review articles more consistent. 

What are the dependencies for fulfilling the business value?

The workflow for creating reviews is likely to change with the new EMS. 

The template functionlity in Archie should be removed when it's available in RevMan Web.

What are the risks related to this roadmap item?

What is included in the scope of this solution?

  • Create and manage CRG templates in RevMan Web
  • Global default templates in RevMan Web

How much time do we estimate to implement this roadmap item?

This is a guesstimate made by the Review Production Team based on known information about the roadmap item and the capacity of the team at the time of estimation (June 2020).

Small = within 1 sprint = within 2 weeks.

Owner of roadmap item: ( EMD person TBD)/Gert/Rebecka 

What business value does this roadmap item create? / Which problem is this roadmap item trying to solve?

Cochrane authors extract data for analyses, risk of bias and study characteristics using different templates and tools. The data then need to be transferred into RevMan to generate review content such as analyses, forest plots, risk of bias tables and characteristics of studies tables. The step of transferring data has a risk of introducing errors and does not inherently add value to the process. Therefor, reducing the time to transfer content and reducing the amount of manual transfer is important. 

Data is also to some extent shared between reviews. This is true for:

  • Analysis data for CCAs, guidelines, other Cochrane reviews (how common is this?), from Cochrane library data
  • A set of core references that is re-used between Cochrane reviews 
  • Studies for similar Cochrane reviews

Currently the process of transferring content in to RevMan Web is mainly manual whereas import and export of various content is supported in RevMan 5. See comparison of use cases in Use cases. Implementing this roadmap item is a step towards retiring RevMan 5.

How can the value delivered be measured?

Suggest measuring a baseline for scenarios in current process. Some data should be in place before the work on the roadmap item starts:

  • Transfer results for an analysis from Excel to RevMan Web compared to copying an analysis from Excel and pasting an analysis in RevMan 5 (value can be estimated in advance)
  • Transfer results from RoB 2 tool into RevMan Web (value can be confirmed after development)
  • Transfer study data for study-centric analysis (value can be confirmed after development)

Other data that may be relevant: 

  • Transfer result data from Covidence to RevMan Web compared to importing results data from Covidence to RevMan 5  

Is there a way to measure reduction in transcription errors?

Which assumptions are made in relation to the value?

The features in scope will reduce time to transfer content compared to current process and reduce transcription errors.  

Users will be able to reliable format the data in the way required by the import functionality. 

The risk of bias 2 tool will be properly supported and maintained. 

What are the dependencies for fulfilling the business value?

Copy and paste result data from Excel

We depend on the clipboard data for what type of content can be pasted.

Transfer RoB 2 data from Excel tool

We need to know how to link up content in the excel file generated by the RoB 2 tool with the correct analysis/result in RevMan Web. Combination of data linked with RoB assessment needed: Outcome name, effect measure (only relevant for contrast data), data type (contrast vs arm-level). 

If changes are needed in the RoB 2 tool to support the import/export process, we need to collaborate with an external party. This seems quite unlikely as the Methods support unit has already done initial checks of how data could be mapped. 

There may be an impact on the editorial workflow and update cycles. 

Time available by key stakeholder: Ella Flemyng (EMD).  

Dependent on:

  • Excel file format used
  • changes to output data in Risk of bias 2 Excel tool

Import study-centric data

There is not yet an agreed template for data extraction that can be used for import/easy manual transfer of study-centric data into RevMan Web. Draft here

What are the risks related to this roadmap item?

Corrupt data in the transfer.  

Encouraging sub-optimal workflows by basing solutions on Excel files. Try to avoid as much as possible.

What is included in the scope of this roadmap item?

  • Import RoB 2 data from excel tool to RevMan Web
  • Copy and paste custom analyses tables, can work for both custom analysis tables and study-centric study result tables (consider not doing, as preferred choice should be using study-centric data)
  • Import result data for study-centric analyses 
SolutionImport RoB 2 dataAnalysisstudy-centric result data
result level(copy and paste) 5Analysis level
(copy and paste) 3
(copy and paste) 3
study level(import from file) 13(import from file) 8 
review level(import from file) 13(import from file) 13(import from file) 8

Potential candidates:

  • Import study characteristics 

Q: RevMan 5 has an option to export analyses data which can then be copied into another review assuming the studies are set up correctly (note RevMan 5 does not have import analysis functionality). Is sharing data between reviews in scope? For testing purposes it may anyway be useful with an export. Exporting analysis data is also relevant for the Non-Cochrane use case. 

How much time do we estimate to implement this roadmap item?

SolutionImport RoB 2 dataAnalysisstudy-centric result data
result level(copy and paste) 5Analysis level
(copy and paste) 3
(copy and paste) 3
study level(import from file) 13(import from file) 8 
review level(import from file) 13(import from file) 13(import from file) 8