[Archived] Support authors with entering a lot of result data

Owner: Rebecka Hall
Reason for archiving:
"Quick win" story will stay in backlog, larger problem on getting sextracted data in to RevMan Web will be raised together with EMD and PRD 

What business value does this roadmap item create? / Which problem is this roadmap item trying to solve?

Before entering data into RevMan, authors extract result data through a consensus process. Currently different tools are used for this process but common are: Excel, Covidence, Rayyan. 

Result data can also be shared between reviews but this requires access to the core data set reported in the studies to increase the chance that the data is in the correct format and can be re-used. 

Entering data into analyses can be done in 2 ways:

  • Per outcome related to a study (study-centric input)
  • Per result row in an analysis related to a study (custom input)

Entering data into both these formats is currently a time consuming process, especially assuming most author teams have already entered the data in another tool. In RevMan 5 for custom input, it is possible copy result data in CSV format and paste into the analyses, this option is not available in RevMan Web.

Another factor is how efficient the current UI is. 

Study-centric input (assuming done in consecutive order and studies are included): 

  1. Set up 2 interventions: 3 clicks + add name and description for two interventions
  2. Set up outcome: 2 clicks + add name and select outcome type
  3. Edit study: 3 clicks
  4. Go to set study arms: 1 click
  5. Add result for an outcome (select from drop-down menu): 4 clicks + add result data

The same result data can be used in different analyses.

Custom input (assuming done in consecutive order where starting point is Dashboard):

  1. Create analysis group
  2. Create analysis
    1. For the first result in the analysis group: 2 clicks + add name and potentially labels
    2. Otherwise: 0
  3. Go to result data tab
    1. If already in analysis group: 1 click
    2. If on Dashboard: 3 clicks
  4. Add result row, pick study and enter result data: 
    1. If already in the analysis group: 3 clicks + enter data in each cell
    2. If on Dashboard: 6 clicks

How can the value delivered be measured?

Which assumptions are made in relation to the value?

What are the dependencies for fulfilling the business value?

It's unclear which use cases we can support since any tool used for data extraction is likely to generate a file with different formats.

What are the risks related to this roadmap item?

Implementing a solution that encourages use of Excel for data extraction. 

Implementing a solution that encourages use of custom input over study-centric input.

What is included in the scope of this solution?