Protocol project template

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Protocol milestones:

1. Define question(s)

The suggested timeframe for completing this milestone is 1 week.

1. Formulate review question(s)

Cochrane Handbook

MECIR Manual

Methods Support Unit web clinics


2. Define objective(s)

Cochrane Handbook 

MECIR Manual 

Methods Support Unit web clinics 

2. Define eligibility criteria 

The suggested timeframe for completing this milestone is 2 weeks.

1. Define eligibility criteria

Cochrane Handbook 

MECIR Manual 

Methods Support Unit web clinics 

3. Plan methods

The suggested timeframe for completing this milestone is 4 weeks.

1. Plan search and develop search strategies

Cochrane Handbook 

2. Plan study selection

Cochrane Handbook 

3. Plan synthesis of results

Cochrane Handbook 

MECIR Manual 

Cochrane Methodology

Cochrane Interactive Learning 

RevMan Knowledge Base

4. Plan data extraction

Cochrane Handbook 

MECIR Manual 

Cochrane Interactive Learning

RevMan Knowledge Base

5. Plan assessment of methodological limitations

Cochrane Handbook 

MECIR Manual 

Cochrane Methods

Cochrane Methodology

Methods Support Unit web clinics

Cochrane Interactive Learning

 RevMan Knowledge Base

6. Plan presentation of summary of findings

Cochrane Handbook

GRADE Handbook

7. Plan certainty/strength assessment

Cochrane Handbook 

GRADE Handbook

4. Prepare manuscript for submission

The suggested timeframe for completing this milestone is 8 weeks.

1. Write background

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)

Methods Support Unit web clinics 

Cochrane author guidelines

2. Formulate the objective 

MECIR Manual 

Methods Support Unit web clinics

3. Write the methods

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)

Cochrane Interactive Learning

4. Complete additional information

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)

Cochrane author guidelines

RevMan Knowledge Base

5. Internal feedback

RevMan Knowledge Base

6. Complete pre-submission checks

Cochrane author guidelines

RevMan Knowledge Base

7. Submit first draft

Editorial Manager - Information for authors

5. Editorial process

1. Address editorial and peer reviewer comments

Cochrane author guidelines

2. Internal feedback: revision 1

RevMan Knowledge Base

3. Submit revision 1

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)

Cochrane author guidelines

RevMan Knowledge Base

4. Address editorial and peer reviewer comments (2)

Cochrane author guidelines

5. Internal feedback: revision 2

RevMan Knowledge Base

6. Submit revision 2

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)

Cochrane author guidelines

RevMan Knowledge Base

6. Prepare manuscript for publication

1. Complete licence for publication

Cochrane author guidelines

Editorial Manager - Information for authors

2. Address final copy edit comments

Editorial Manager - Information for authors