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1 July 2024: The Editorial Publishing & Policy Resource is scheduled to be archived. This page may not contain the most updated version of the information and is being retained for reference until 1 August 2024. 


Please see Co-publication agreements with other journals in the revised editorial guidance resource.

A list of journals that have signed a Cochrane co-publication agreement is available below. 

If an author team wishes to co-publish their review in a journal that is not listed below, the team should refer to Arranging co-publication of a Cochrane Review.


List of journals with Cochrane co-publication agreements

The journals listed below have all signed Cochrane co-publication agreements and are either specialty titles or regional titles. The list also records what the journal can co-publish. This list is maintained by Wiley; for queries, please contact Gavin Stewart, Senior Journals Publishing Manager, Wiley,

The different forms co-publications may take, included in the list below are: 

  • Short version of the review (the abstract and/or PLS and/or an abridged version of the review content) on its own.
  • As above alongside an accompanying original commentary/article (previously referred to as a ‘Cochrane Corner’).
  • Short version of the review alone translated into a specific language with option of including it in English (language of original publication) also.




Short version of review


Original commentary/article






Bresilian Journal of Emergency Medicine (BJEM) 


British Medical Journal (BMJ) and BMJ specialist journals (by journal invitation only)


Clinical Analysis in General Medicine
КЛИНИЧЕСКИЙ РАЗБОР в общей медицине


Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft (ZHWi)
Journal of Midwifery Science
