Information Specialist tasks

Editorial Manager includes tasks for Information Specialists (CIS), capturing points where CIS contribute to review development and editorial checks.

CIS can also provide peer review of search methods sections and search strategies using the CIS reviewer form. See Invite comments from editors or peer reviewers.

Pre-submission (review development phase)


  • If there is a parent submission in the system you can Assign Editorial Task on the Action Menu on the parent submission BEFORE setting Final Disposition.

For instance, you can ask the CIS to begin review search tasks before marking a protocol for publication. Submit Editor's Decision and Comments > Assign Editorial Task > Review Search tasks > Set Final Disposition > Accept.

If you use this option, the CIS will receive an email notifying of the task. The task will then be visible under Submission Tasks Assigned to Me on the CIS Tasks Tab in EM. 

Tasks relevant at this stagePurpose When?Assign to

Preliminary search for topic refinement

Assist in defining scope of reviewNew review proposal is acceptedInformation Specialist
Protocol search tasks Correspond with authors to discuss scope, write or modify search methods section, write search for one database, add search to article appendixProtocol in development

PICO annotation

Add PICO annotation termsNew review proposal is accepted
Review search tasks Modify search methods section, write search for all databases, add searches to article appendix, conduct searches and share results with authors, write or modify search results section, write or modify PRISMA flowchartReview in development
Update search tasks Check searches still appropriate and modify as needed, modify search methods section, searches for all databases, searches in appendix as needed, conduct update searches and shares results with authors, modify search results section and PRISMA flowchartUpdate in development 


  • For some reviews, there will be no parent submission in the system, or it is not possible to Assign Editorial Task:  
    • Protocols or reviews added from Archie while in progress
    • Final Disposition on parent submission set, before task allocated (once there is a Final Disposition you no longer have the option to Assign Editorial Task)
    • Updates where published review is in EM, but Final Disposition set several years' previously

In this case Editors can request searches from a CIS when a review is at proposal stage (authors invited to submit). 

From the Action Menu on the Proposal > Send Email > Information Specialist Search Request > Customise > Delete any options or information not required > Send

There is no task allocation as such at proposal stage - the CIS will receive an email, and can respond to the Editor by email when the task is completed. Files of search results can also be added to the File Inventory on the proposal, for use as attachments on emails sent from EM to authors.

Post-submission (editorial phase)

Assign Editorial Task on the Action Menu to ask the CIS to:

  • Run an additional top-up search and share results with authors
  • Check and correct references

Invite the CIS as a reviewer to ask the CIS to:

  • Comment on search search methods sections and search strategies using the CIS reviewer form
Tasks relevant at this stagePurpose When?
Review search tasks Modify search methods section, write search for all databases, add searches to article appendix, conduct searches and share results with authors, write or modify search results section, write or modify PRISMA flowchartReview in development
Update search tasks Check searches still appropriate and modify as needed, modify search methods section, searches for all databases, searches in appendix as needed, conduct update searches and shares results with authors, modify search results section and PRISMA flowchartUpdate in development 
Check referencesCheck and correct references to studies and additional referencesDraft protocol, review or update submitted or in development

Storing an EndNote library

If you want to store an EndNote library on a review, you can do so by adding a compressed EndNote library (.enlx file) and the associated EndNote library (.enl file) to the file inventory. Please also see below how to export and recreate the EndNote library to use it again. Please note this works on EndNote libraries created in EndNote X9 and after (e.g. EndNote 20).

To store the EndNote library in Editorial Manager:

Option 1

  1. Upload the .enlx file as a companion file in Editorial Manager (File Inventory). The .enlx file will not be uploaded, instead the pdb.eni and sdb.eni will be uploaded and any figures or file attachments (e.g. full text PDFs).
  2. Upload the .enl EndNote file in Editorial Manager (File Inventory).

Option 2

  1. From the Action Menu of the Submission > History > Correspondence History > Add Editorial Correspondance to store an email with the .enlx file attached.
  2. Download the file from the email in order to recreate the EndNote Library.

To recreate the EndNote library from the files stored in Editorial Manager: 

  1. Download all the files from File Inventory or extract the files if you downloaded them as a zip file.
  2. Open the .enl file. You will be asked if you want to continue without the associated .Data folder. Click 'OK'.
  3. The library will open, but may be incomplete. A new .Data folder will have been created.
  4. Close the .enl file.
  5. Open the new .Data folder and navigate to the sub-folder called sdb. This folder will contain a new pdb.eni and sdb.eni file. Replace these files with the pdb.eni and sdb.eni files downloaded from Editorial Manager.
  6. Move any figures or file attachments to the .Data folder (NOT the sdb sub-folder).
  7. Open the .enl file again. It should now be complete. Any PDFs will need to be reattached.