Use Advanced Search to run complex searches for people, groups, documents, workflows, tasks, review versions, notes or derivative products. You can build searches with a variety of search terms in various fields (e.g. Last name, Country, or Modified) and match the term with the field in a variety of ways. The records matching your search will be displayed in the Results list.

The Advanced Search page consists of:

  • the option to search for People, Groups, Documents, Workflows, Tasks, Review Versions, Notes, and Derivative Products (at the top of the page)
  • the options to match all or any of the rows
  • the search rows where you build your search (the default is four rows)
  • the Search button for running your search (below the search rows)
  • buttons for adjusting the number of rows, resetting the page and accessing your saved searches (below the search rows).

You can build advanced searches that use any number of rows, but often only one or two rows will be needed, in which case you can just ignore the other rows. Each row begins with a box where you can choose the field you want to search on from a pull-down list. The field you select in the first box determines what the rest of the search row looks like.
You can delete any row with the Delete Row button at the beginning of each row. After that is the Move Row icon, you can click and hold this to drag the row to a new position.     

Combining search rows   

When you create searches with multiple rows, you control how the rows are combined in two ways: The top level is the Match all rows (AND) and Match any row (OR) option. The second, optional, level is creating AND/OR groups for combining a subset of rows differently from what is specified in the top level option.

Using AND/OR groups       

You can use AND/OR groups to build searches that combine rows with both AND and OR. An AND/OR group consists of:

  • an initial row, specifying the type of group (e.g.. 'Group with OR')
  • two or more search rows
  • the closing row ('Group end').

As a general example of how AND/OR groups work, compare the following searches:

With only Match all rows (AND)

With Match all rows (AND) and an OR group

  • Row a
  • Row b
  • Row c Which translates to:
    Row a AND Row b AND Row c   
  • Row a
  • Group with OR
    • Row b
    • Row c
  • Group End

Which translates to:
Row a AND (Row b OR Row c)

See also the example at the end of this section.

Note on using Match all rows (AND)  

For some of the fields you can search in, there may be multiple values associated with a single resource. For example, a person can have several addresses, and documents will typically have more that one document role assigned. When you combine search rows that search such fields by using Match all rows (AND) or within an AND group, Archie will only find results where the search term is found within a single attribute (e.g. the same address or note).

Advanced search options

Before you construct your search, choose the resource type you are searching for. The specific search options available to you will depend on this choice.

The difference between document search and review version search is described under Advanced review version search options.  

To do an Advanced Search

  1. Choose whether you want to search for People, Groups, Documents, Workflows, Tasks, Review versions, Notes or Derivative Products.
  2. Choose the field to search from the pull-down list in the first box.
  3. Choose how the search term should be compared to the field. The options here depend on the type of field you are searching (see above).
  4. Enter your search term. The options here depend on the type of field you are searching in (see above).
  5. If you need to search using multiple terms or fields, repeat steps 2 to 4 on the next row. If you need more rows, click More Rows and another search box will be added. To reduce the number of rows, click Fewer Rows.
  6. If you have used more than one row, choose whether to Match all rows (AND) (the default) or Match any row (OR).
  7. Choose a sort order for the results by using the Order Results By pull-down list.
  8. Click the Search button or press the Enter key.

Tip: Note that using the Match all rows option will often give no results if you combine searches in the same field. For example, not many people live both in one country "AND" another country at the same time.

Tip: If you are unsure about the spelling of part of you search term, use wildcard characters. You can use * as a substitute for zero or more characters and ? as a substitute for a single character.

To begin a new search

  1. Click the Reset button. This clears all search rows.

Searches based on selection set

You can also use search to find resources based on their relation to other resources. For example, you can get a list of the contact persons for a specific set of reviews by first running a Document search to select the reviews and then running a People search and choose 'Contact Persons for Selected Reviews'.
The following table shows which searches are available for which selected resources:

Search type

Selected resource 






Review Versions




Author of review


Review with Contact Person
Review with Author


Review Versions



Group for person

Group for document




Workflow for task


Tasks for workflow


Review Versions

Version for review

Review Versions
Previous published version
Latest version


Note for person

Note for document


Derivative products

Derivative product for review

Examples of Advanced Searches

To find all reviews in the Back Group

  1. Choose to search for Documents.
  2. In the first search row, choose Type Is Intervention Review.
  3. In the second row, choose Group Is Back Group.
  4. Select Match all rows (AND).
  5. Click Search.

Tip: Note that the document type Review includes both titles, protocols and reviews, and that they are all displayed with the label Review under Type on the Results page - but the icon before the title will show the stage. If you only wish to find full reviews, use the Review Stage option instead.

To find all Review Groups in Australia

  1. Choose to search for Groups.
  2. In the first row, choose Type Is Review Group.
  3. In the second row, choose Country Is Australia.
  4. Select Match all rows (AND).
  5. Click Search.

To find all Co-ordinating Editors in Australia and New Zealand

  1. Choose to search for People.
  2. In the first row, choose Role in group Is Co-ordinating Editor in Any group
  3. In the second row, choose Group with OR
  4. In the third row, choose Country Is Australia
  5. In the fourth row, choose Country Is New Zealand.
  6. In the fifth row, choose Group end.
  7. Select Match all rows (AND).
  8. Click Search.

How to identify 'empty' published reviews
I.e. reviews with no included studies.
Advanced Search > Review Versions, Match all rows (AND) Versions published between | Issue 1, 2015 | and issue 1, 2015 Group | Is | NAME OF GROUP Stage | Is | Full Review Number of… | Included Studies | Equals | 0
To load the search, click the link below:

How to identify Authors from LMIC countries
(This requires a grouping and selection of three country income level options)
Advanced Search > People, Match all rows (AND) Role in Group | Author |YOUR GROUP's NAME Group with OR Country Income Level | Is | Low Income Country Income Level | Is | Low-Middle Income Country Income Level | Is | Upper-Middle Income Group End
To load the search, click the link below:
How to identify new and updated published reviews & protocols during a particular time span
For example reviews and protocols published in 2014.  After generating the list you can export this as an Excel file - useful for reporting to funders.
Advanced Search > Review Versions search, Match all rows (AND)
Versions First Published between | Issue 1, 2014 | Issue 12, 2014
Group | Is | YOUR GROUP's NAME
New or Updated | Yes
Amended | No
To load the search, click the link below:
How to identify published reviews with at least one SoF table
Advanced Search > Review Versions search, Match all rows (AND)
Versions published between | Issue 1, 2015 | and | Issue 1, 2015
Group | Is | YOUR GROUP's NAME
Number of… | Summary of Findings Tables | Greater than or equals | 1
To load the search, click the link below:

Saved Searches

You can save and load searches.