What is a group author?
Cochrane Reviews can be written by a group of authors who also choose to use a group name, e.g. Early Breast Cancer Triallists' Collaborative Group.
In Archie, a group author record is a special category of person record that enables inclusion of the group's name in the list of authors in a review.
- Create a group author as you would create an individual author record.
- Edit and add document roles to the record as standard.
- Group author records do not have user accounts and do not require an email address.
- Declarations of Interest are not required from group authors - members of the group should note relevant information in their individual declarations.
- Licence for publication forms are required - this form will be sent automatically to the Contact Person of the relevant review.
For additional information, please see the section on Group names in the Editorial Guidance Resource.
Create a new group author
- From the menu bar, choose File > New > Person. The Person Wizard opens.
Check the Create a Group Author record option.
Follow the instructions in the Person Wizard, and move from one screen of the Wizard to the next using the Next and Back buttons. Fields marked by an asterisk [*] (e.g. Group Author Name) are mandatory and must be completed before you are able to move on to the next page.
- Group Names should be entered using title case ('Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Collaborative Group', not 'Non-small cell lung cancer collaborative group'). See also Style guidelines for names and contact information in Archie.
- The appropriate Group Role for a group author will normally be Author. You may wish to add the Role specification 'Group Author'.
- When all details have been entered, click the Finish button. You will get confirmation that the new record has been created, and will be able to open and edit this record.