Style guidelines for names and contact information in Archie
For detailed guidance on formatting of names and contact details in Archie, please the Author contact details section in Cochrane Style Manual; the following is a summary of some of the most important points.
Name fields
Title and suffix (optional)
Select Title (if any) from the pull-down menu in the name editing window (click […] to the right of the person's name on the General tab of their Properties)
- For suffixes (if any), use open punctuation (i.e., no full stops): MD or PhD, not M.D. or Ph.D.
- No extra spaces after suffixes or between letters in suffixes: PhD, not Ph D
- Enter suffixes in the Suffix field, not at the end of the Family Name field
- Do not use both a prefix and a suffix to denote the same qualification: Mr Jones, MD, not Dr Jones, MD
Middle initials (optional)
Use initials only. If a full name is entered, it will be published as if it were initials, e.g., '[Given Names] Mary, [Middle Initials] Jane, [Family Name] Smith' will be published as 'Mary JANE Smith'.
- Use open punctuation (i.e., no full stops): RA, not R.A.
- No spaces between initials: RA, not R A
- If an author wants their middle name published as well as their given name, or s/he is known by their middle name and therefore prefers to use the initial for their given name followed by their full middle name, then enter their middle name in the Given Name field after their given name or initial.
Family names – special cases
- For consistency in Cochrane Collaboration documents, Chinese names should follow a Westernized style, that is, given name followed by family name. In the majority of cases, the family name will be the one that has only one syllable. However, this is not always the case, and we suggest that if you are at all unsure, you should ask your Chinese contributors to let you know which is their family name.
- If a Dutch family name is in two or more parts – i.e., begins with 'van', 'de', 'der', 'ter', or some combination of these – then the first part of the family name is generally written in lowercase letters (e.g., 'Markus van der Woude'). However, in contexts where the family name appears alone or precedes the given name or initials (e.g., in a RevMan Study ID or in a review citation byline), the first part of the family name uses an uppercase letter (e.g., 'Van der Woude 2007' or 'Van der Woude M').
- If a person only has a single name, use the Family Name field.
'Names' of group authors
- The 'names' of group authors should be entered using the title case: 'Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Collaborative Group', not 'Non-small cell lung cancer collaborative group'
- If the group has a specified Contact person, the Group Contact field should include that person's given name, middle initials (if any), and family name, all formatted as for individual authors.
Email addresses
- Email addresses should be in lowercase letters: '', not ''
- Do not enter multiple emails in the Email field; instead, use the Email 2 field for a second address (if any).
- Note that when a review is released for publication, the Contact Person's primary email address and secondary email address (if any) will be published in The Cochrane Library.
- Home page/web addresses
- Enter web addresses without the 'http://' prefix: '', not ''.
Personal contact details
- When entering addresses, you should use only Latin characters; these may include the diacritical marks listed as symbols in RevMan (Format > Insert Symbol…). Chinese characters, e.g., are not supported.
- In the Department field, enter the full name of the department as it should appear when published or used in a postal address: 'Department of Neurology', not 'Neurology'