2020Q4 RevMan Web development

Agenda Sprint demo

  1. What did we complete in the sprint?

    1. Short summary
    2. Demo of new functionality
  2. Feedback
    1. Summarize comments from demo
    2. Update on comments from previous demo
  3. How are we progressing towards our quarterly targets?

  4. Adoption and activity in RevMan Web

  5. What do we plan to work on in the next sprint?

Sprint demo


Stories completed:


Roadmap item



Edit references in full-text view

Full-text view



Edit risk of bias 1 in full-text view

Full-text view



Edit appendices in full-text view

Full-text view



Edit additional tables in full-text view

Full-text view



Edit review information in full-text view

Full-text view



Order of full-text view

Full-text view



Show integrations enabled on dashboard

Small improvement



Show review number on dashboard

Small improvement



Move review notes away from status panel

Small improvement



Change history column 'in RMW'

Small improvement



Links to Rob 2 tables

Planned for Monday 18/1


Other work completed:

  • 3 bugs fixed

Comments from demo:
Full-text view

  • RM: Spellcheck highlighted in Reference summary

  • ER: Show primary reference on reference summary

  • ER: "open all references in one click": not technically possible with current solution
  • ER: Short cut to edit next reference
  • ER: I am concerned about the fact that large reviews cannot be edited using the full-text view as they already take a long time 

  • UG: It can take quite a while to load: 

    spinning wheel until editor is shown. 

  • ER: Show where you need to edit content in default view. 


  • ER: Type and complete Journal, book, sources. UG: I've used the google scholar plug in.
  • Can we show when several review groups are contributing on the Dashboard? Further discovery on how contributing groups works in RevMan and Archie needed 

Unique users the last month

Overall activity (RevMan Web vs. RevMan 5)

Sprint demo 

Stories completed:

StoryRoadmap itemReleasedDemo
Select which analyses to create RoB 2 Summary result tables for
9th Dec(tick)
Validation of risk of bias
18 dec(tick)

Other work completed:

  • Remove synchronization process released
  • 6 bugs fixed

Comments from demo:

  • Is there validation for no risk of bias at all? Elizabeth Royle
  • What are the requirements for displaying the RoB 2 tables before publication for editorial checks? 

Unique users the last month

Overall activity (RevMan Web vs. RevMan 5)

Sprint demo 

Stories completed:

StoryRoadmap itemReleasedDemo
Accept all tracked changes

Global edits

Remove all yellow markingsGlobal editsYes(tick)
Remove all notesGlobal editsYes(tick)
Find and mark links in the whole reviewGlobal editsYes(tick)
Facilitate reverting after running global editsGlobal editsYes(tick)
Remaining Notes workIncrease reliabilityYes(tick)
Notify user before RevMan Web will be unavailableIncrease reliabilityYes(tick)

Update validation of PLS word limit


Update error messages

Increase reliabilityYes-

Improve readability of number of studies in context panel

Small improvementYes-
See which review a tab belongs to Small improvementYes-
Select which analyses to create RoB 2 Summary result tables for
9th DecNext demo

Other work completed:

  • 2nd round interviews for software developer completed (candidate selected)
  • First migration before release of Remove synchronization process

Comments from demo:

Global edits:

  • Can the alerts be shown longer? (Elizabeth Royle)
  • Can the user be notified about potential links in sections where it's not allowed?
    E.g. X number of links not linked (in RevMan 5) (Elizabeth Royle and Anna Erskine:)


  • Does the default text 'New note' automatically disappear when you start typing? Or do we have to select/delete it before we start adding text? (Anna Erskine)

Unique users the last month 

Sprint demo cancelled 

Sprint demo  

Stories completed and shown in the demo:

StoryRoadmap itemReleased
Reduce risk of losing data when losing internet connection while editing textIncrease reliabilityYes
Reduce risk of losing data when editing a review in more than one tabIncrease reliabilityYes

Other work completed in the sprint:

  • Guidelines for error messages
  • Roadmap updated
  • Identify mitigation tactics to performance hot spots 
  • Support editorial note in JATS
  • 3 small improvements
  • 1 bug fixed
  • Sayli's first induction week! 

Ongoing work:

  • Rehearsal release of remove synchronization process to training

Comments from demo:

  • Will content be correctly formatted if you paste lost edits when you were offline to Word? 
  • What if you don't remember what you changed? Could we highlight the changes that were added? 
  • Is navigation prevented in the Full-text view when you are offline?
  • See more information about which review a tab belongs to

Unique users the last month

Sprint demo cancelled 

Sprint demo  

Stories completed and shown in the demo:

StoryRoadmap itemReleased
Reduce risk of losing data when losing internet connection while editing textIncrease reliabilityYes
Reduce risk of losing data when editing a review in more than one tabIncrease reliabilityYes

Other work completed in the sprint:

  • Guidelines for error messages
  • Roadmap updated
  • Identify mitigation tactics to performance hot spots 
  • Support editorial note in JATS
  • 3 small improvements
  • 1 bug fixed
  • Sayli's first induction week! 

Ongoing work:

  • Rehearsal release of remove synchronization process to training

Comments from demo:

  • Will content be correctly formatted if you paste lost edits when you were offline to Word? 
  • What if you don't remember what you changed? Could we highlight the changes that were added? 
  • Is navigation prevented in the Full-text view when you are offline?
  • See more information about which review a tab belongs to

Unique users the last month

Remove synchronization process


Increase reliability of RevMan Web

Summary Status

Respond to editor requests to match review production efficiency in RevMan Web with RevMan 5

Summary Status Epic Link

Submit to the new EMS

Summary Status

Small improvements

Summary Status