Reduce spelling errors before submission for editorial

Owner: Elizabeth Royle

What business value does this roadmap item create? / Which problem is this roadmap item trying to solve?
A sophisticated spellcheck can reduce the workburden for editorial staff (both MEs and Copy Editors) if authors are guided to improve their language before they submit for editorial. The confidence of the reader in the published review is improved. 

How can the value delivered be measured?

Number of spelling errors in reviews are reduced after the feature is implemented. 

Which assumptions are made in relation to the value?

What are the dependencies for fulfilling the business value?

Full-text view includes references.

We are currently using a webservice spellcheck functionality SCYATH that comes with CK Editor 4. The service is licensed but we are not paying for it at the moment. CK-editor 5 has the same service but we would need to pay in relation to the number of active users.

What are the risks related to this roadmap item?
 Dependency on a 3d party webservice.

What is included in the scope of this solution?

  • Spellcheck works globally on the review.
  • All review content needs to be spellchecked i.e. including references. 
  • The authors need to be guided/reminded/obliged to use the spellcheck. 
  • It is possible to ignore once 
  • There's a guide linked from the interface about how to add medical dictionaries and that only UK and US English is permitted for Cochrane publication?
  • Ability to ignore small words