
Maximum table size

For the content to display correctly when a review is published on the Cochrane Library, a table should have 12 columns maximum.

Tables with up to 7 columns will display in the published PDF in portrait orientation. Tables with 7-12 columns will automatically be displayed in the published PDF in landscape orientation. 

RevMan will not allow you to exceed the maximum size of 25 columns. However, follow the guidance above to ensure all the text in your table displays correctly on publication. 

Create a new table in focused review format

Go to Contents > Tables. Click Add Table.

This prompts you to define the number of rows and columns and select where you want the header text (tickbox) to appear – in first row, or in first column.

Create a new table in previous review format

Go to Tables > Additional. Click on Add Table.

This prompts you to define the number of rows and columns and select where you want the header text (tickbox) to appear – in first row, or in first column.