Create a practice review

Create a practice review

Log in to RevMan and click on My Reviews on the top menu.

Click on the Create Practice review button. This will be visible right away if you have no reviews. If you have a long list of reviews scroll down to the Practice Reviews heading.

RevMan subscribers wishing to start a new review should see Add new review for further instructions.


You can create a practice review from: 

Please note that it is not possible to export the review data from a practice review.

Note the expiry date

Practice reviews automatically expire 30 days after creation. You can see the expiry date for each practice review. 

You can also use the bin icon to delete a practice review at any time.

If you have reached the maximum number of concurrent practice reviews, the 'Create Practice Review' button will be inactive. To reactivate it, delete one of the practice reviews or wait until it expires. 

Cochrane authors and RevMan subscribers can create up to 5 simultaneous practice reviews. Trial users can only create one practice review at a time.

Work in the practice review

Open the practice review by clicking on its title. You can edit the review like a live review, adding text, data and figures. However, note that part of the dashboard is disabled.

Changes made will be lost after the practice review is deleted or expires.