Copy and paste data in analyses

Paste data into an analysis in RevMan

You can copy data from an external source (e.g. Excel, Notepad, Word) and paste it into an analysis as long as the data is in tabular form, i.e. separated by a tab rather than a space. Please tag a version of your review before editing any analyses.

  1. Go to the Analyses section in your review
  2. Select the analysis you wish to edit and click Edit analysis
  3. Select the data you want to copy from e.g. Excel, right-click and select 'copy' or use CTRL+C
  4. Place your cursor in the first column of the row you wish to paste the data to in RevMan
  5. Right-click and select 'paste' or use CTRL+V
  6. The data is now copied into the analysis table

Please note that study information cannot be pasted from another source, the option is limited to the data. 

Be aware that once the data has been inserted into the analysis, it is not possible to undo the action to restore the previous data. For this reason, please ensure you have tagged the current version before starting to edit the analyses.

Copy data from an analysis in RevMan

To copy the data from an analysis in RevMan and paste it into an external file (e.g. text editor or Excel file), select the data range that you want to copy and right-click to view the different options available: 

  • Copy
  • Copy with headers
  • Copy with group headers

You can also use CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste the data. Please note that you cannot copy headers or group headers using the keyboard shortcuts. 

Export an analysis table

To export an individual analysis table as a .csv or .xlsx file, right-click on any of the table cells and select Export.