Author names and affiliations

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Author names 

Author names and details are managed in the Cochrane Account system, and authors can update their own names and emails in Cochrane Account

Author affiliations 

Cochrane Review guidance

  • Cochrane will not publish amendments to correct author affiliations or emails after publication. Please confirm your contact information is correct when you review your proofs before publication. If you have any queries about this, please contact
  • Authors are responsible for keeping affiliations up to date.
  • Authors and unit leads can add and edit affiliations in RevMan when the review is open to authors (not with Central Editorial Service).
  • The following details can display for Cochrane authors. Please note that titles (such as PhD or Professor) should not be added.
    • First name (required)
    • Up to 2 middle initials
    • Family name (required)
    • Department
    • Organization
    • City (required)
    • Country (required)

Affiliations are specific to one review in RevMan. If your affiliations change before publication, you will need to update your affiliations on each review where you are an author.

Edit affiliations in About this review > Authors in the left-hand menu. If your review is not in the focused format, go to Review information > Authors in the left-hand menu

Edit an affiliation

Click on the arrow next to the author name. Click on the relevant affiliation. Select Edit affiliation.

Edit fields as needed. Click Back to Authors. Your edit will automatically be saved, and appear in the list of affiliations. 

Add an affiliation

Click on the author's name. Select Add Affiliation. Enter information in fields as needed. City and Country fields are required. Department and Organisation are optional. For affiliations based in the United States, a State field will appear, which is optional.  

Click Back to Authors. The new affiliation will be added to the list of affiliations for the review. 

Reorder or delete affiliations

Affiliations appear in order, based on all affiliations for the first author, numbered sequentially 1, 2, 3; then all affiliations for second author, etc.

To reorder an author's affiliation, Click on the author's name. Click on the relevant affiliation. Use the Action menu options to move the affiliation up or down, or delete an affiliation. 

Duplicate affiliations

If two authors share an affiliation, the fields must match exactly to ensure the affiliations are listed with the same number. If two affiliations are not entered exactly the same, they will appear as separate lines. 

Contact Person's details

Click Edit Contact address at the bottom the Authors section.