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Authorization scenarios

Most operations in ReviewDB require simple "write" or "read" permissions on a particular review. How these permissions are granted depends on the authorization realm for the review.

Review creation and protected meta-data

Creating reviews (other than practice reviews) and updating certain fields via the ReviewDB API requires system administrator privileges. These operations are generally expected to be done via another system (e.g. Archie or Porto) instead.

This table outlines the permissions needed to change Review fields:

System administratorWrite meta-data permissionWrite permissionMaintained internally

unitId (Porto)
ownedByIndividual (Porto)

Specific to Editorial Manager:


reviewNo (code)

Obsolete fields:



Authorization realms

Authorization is handled differently based on the "realm" setting for the review, as outlined in this table:

ReadManaged by Archie, depends on review phaseGranted to users with a role on the review, with a "manage reviews" role in the owning unit, and to system administratorsGranted to user who owns the review, and to system administratorsGranted to user who owns the review, and to system administrators
WriteManaged by Archie, depends on review phaseGranted to users with a role on the review, with a "manage reviews" role in the owning unit, and to system administrators on active reviewsGranted to user who owns the review, and to system administratorsGranted to user who owns the review, and to system administrators
Meta-dataManaged by ArchieGranted to users with a "manage reviews" role in the owning unit, and to system administratorsGranted to user who owns the review, and to system administratorsGranted to user who owns the review, and to system administrators
Protected meta-dataManaged by ArchieManaged by Porto (use Porto API)System administratorsSystem administrators
Create reviewManaged by ArchieManaged by Porto (use Porto API)Any user (up to a maximum number of practice reviews)Members of the trainers' network (Archie group)

Cochrane REST API

The Cochrane Application Programming Interface (API) is based on Representational state transfer (REST) and uses resource-oriented URLs. The API only supports SSL – any non-SSL calls will return a 403 (FORBIDDEN) return code.

Where possible the API strives to use appropriate HTTP verbs for each action:




Used for retrieving resources or collection of resources


Used for creating resources or collection of resources


Used to update existing resources or for collection of resources (cannot be used to create resource unless specified)


Used to partially update existing resources or collection of resources


Used for deleting resources or collection of resources

 Cochrane API is located at (documentation at

For the test version of each endpoint, replace with (documentation at


As data in Cochrane evolves so will the API. Changes to the API will be listed on the What's New page. It is possible to sign up for notifications via Email of any changes. We strive to send out notifications as soon as possible for Non-Backward compatible issues to allow clients to update their software. If we are required to release a new API we will support two versions for as long as possible (therefore clients should update their software to the newest version ASAP).

We strive to make as many changes backward compatible as possible. New fields will, if possible, be optional and have default values if not specified.

Current version

The current version of the API is v1. Cochrane REST API uses Accept-headers to store the version information. If omitted, version 1 will be used. Regularly check back here or the swagger documentation to see what is the current version of the API. Request a specific version in the Accept-header as shown in the examples below.

Version can be specified in three different ways:

  • Application/vnd.cochrane.v3+json
  • Application/; version=3
  • Application/json; version=3

The above examples would request for version 3 of the API in JSON format.

If omitting the format:

  • Application/vnd.cochrane.v3
  • Application/; version=3
  • Application/*; version=3

JSON will be used as default.

What’s New

Nothing to add here yet…


OAuth2 is used for authentication. With (almost) each request to an endPoint an OAuth token needs to be provided. The API queries Archie for permissions using the token.

The token should be sent in the Authorization-Header:

Authorization: Bearer "token-value"

If no AuthorizationHeader is sent and Authorization is expected, a 403 (FORBIDDEN) is returned.

If there is no valid AuthorizationHeader and Authorization is expected, a 401 (UNAUTHORIZED) is returned


The base URL for the Cochrane API is (and for testing)

Requests can be in many different formats including: JSON, CSV, Smile, XML. The type is defined in the Content-Type-Header. If no Content-Type-Header is defined – JSON is used as a default.

GET – Reading Data

Data from Cochrane can be read by issuing an HTTP GET request to an endpoint. To GET Study 987 for Review 123, send a GET request to:

A successful request will be indicated by a 200 (OK) HTTP status code. The response will contain the data being retrieved (this example in JSON):

    "id": "987",
    "reviewId": 123,
    "sectionId": 0,
    "dataSource": "PUB",
    "noteId": 0

If an error occurs – it will most often return a 404 (NOT FOUND)

PUT – Writing Data

Update data by issuing a HTTP PUT request to an endpoint. To update Study 987 for Review 123, send a PUT request to:

With a payload (the following example is in JSON format):

    "id": "987",
    "reviewId": 123,
    "name":"Henrik HL",
    "sectionId": 4,
    "dataSource": "MIX"

Would update the study 987. When issuing a PUT request, the database record content will be overwritten with the data sent in the PUT request. Omitted fields will be cleared.

A successful request will be indicated by a 200 (OK) HTTP status. The response will contain the data written (here in JSON):

    "id": "987",
    "reviewId": 123,
    "name":"Henrik HL",
    "sectionId": 4,
    "dataSource": "MIX"

NB: Don’t use PUT to create new records even though the client provides the ID – instead use POST (weather or not POST accepts client provided ID's depends on the endPoint).

In the case of an error – it will most often return a 404 (NOT FOUND) or 400 (BAD REQUEST)

PATCH – Updating part of the data

To partially update a record issue a PATCH request to an endpoint. To partially update Study 987 for Review 123, send a PATCH request to:

With a payload (the following example is in XML format):


This will partially update study 987 with (only) the name and year field. The name will be updated to HHL and the year will be updated to 2010, the rest of the fields in the record would remain unchanged.

NB: It is NOT possible to send default values (Null, 0, false, etc) using the PATCH request. All fields containing default values will be ignored. In the case where a field needs to be updated with a default value – use PUT.

POST – Creating Data

Create a new record with a POST request to an endpoint. To create a new Study for Review 123, POST a request to:

With a payload (the following example is in XML format):

    <year>2015 </year>

This action would create a new Study record. The result would look like this (in XML format):










In the case of an error – it will most often return a 400 (BAD REQUEST).

NB: Use POST with client provided ID’s (only a few endPoints support client provided ID's)

DELETE – Removing Data

Delete data with a DELETE request. To delete Study 4568108645260278276 for Review 123, send a DELETE request to:

A successful delete request will be indicated by a 204 (OK) status code with an empty response. If an error occurs it will most likely be a 404 (NOT FOUND).

OPTIONS - endPoint information

OPTIONS is available on all endPoints. It is mainly implemented for the purpose of CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing). When sending an OPTIONS to any andPoint a 200 (OK) will be returned with the following headers:

  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin - returns a list of sources that can access the API. Currently accessable by all ("*" is returned)
  • Access-Control-Allow-Headers - returns a list of headers allowed. Currently returning: AuthorizationContent-Type, Accept, If-None-Match, If-Modified-Since
  • Access-Control-Allow-Methods - returns a list of REST methods allowed for the specific endPoint. This is a comma separated list, eg: OPTIONS,GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE. Depending on the endPoint, 1-6 methods will be listed
  • Access-Control-Max-Age - returns number of seconds the response should cache values (current default value is 3600)
  • Access-Control-Expose-Headers - returns a list of exposed headers. Currently returning: Content-Type, Cache-Control, Link, Total-Count, ETag

Rate Limiting

For all requests a Rate-Limit might be inserted in the future. If your Rate-Limit has been reached (the maximum number of requests per minute/hour) a 429 (TOO MANY REQUESTS) response will be returned. In this case try again after a short while.

Conditional requests

All responses return an ETag-header. Almost all responses also return a Last-Modified-header. You can use the values of these headers to make subsequent GET requests to those resources using the If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since-headers, respectively. If the resource has not changed, the server will return a 304 (NOT MODIFIED).

NB: making a conditional request and receiving a 304 (NOT MODIFIED) response does not count against your Rate Limit, so we encourage you to use it whenever possible. This will help on server loads.


The language is specified in the request header by using the Accept-language header. If not specified, the default language is the default language of the request. Currently only English is supported. Accept-language is primarily for error messages

Accept-Language: da-dk

In the above example, the error message will be supplied in Danish if available. In the case where the language is not supported – English will be used.


The Cochrane REST API accepts the following additional query parameters and values. URL query-string parameters are used for filtering – not for resource names.


If you would like to trigger a file download of your data from a web browser, add download=XXX. This will cause the REST service to add the appropriate headers so that browsers know to save the data to a file (called ‘XXX’).

The above example will request for the author 333 and trigger a download in the browser. The format of the file (the response) is set in the Accept-Type header.

The download parameter can be used with all request methods: GET, PUT, POST, PATCH but not DELETE.

If the download parameter is used in a GET request with the ETag matching – the download parameter will supersede the 304 (NOT MODIFIED) and trigger a download even though the data has not been changed – thus resulting in a 2XX status code.


envelope=true – In some situations it is necessary to have the http status codes enveloped inside the result. If set the result will be enveloped with HTTP result code, status, a message and the result wrapped in a data element:

  • code – contains the HTTP response status code as an integer.
  • status – contains the text: “success”, “fail”, or “error”. Where “fail” is for HTTP status response values from 500-599, “error” is for statuses 400-499, and “success” is for everything else (e.g. 1XX, 2XX and 3XX responses).
  • message – only used for “fail” and “error” statuses to contain the error message in English. If Accept-Language header is set and language is supported the error message will be supplied in the requested language.
  • data – contains the response body. In the case of “error” or “fail” statuses, this contains the cause, or exception name.

An example of an envelope:

If successful, this would return (in JSON format):

    "id": "987",
    "reviewId": 123,
    "sectionId": 0,
    "dataSource": "PUB",
    "noteId": 0

When requesting for collections of items which don't fit within a paged result it is nice to know the boundaries for other pages. Eg. when you request for page 15 in a list of Studies for a review, the result is the Studies on that page. When turning edgedTitleLinks on (edgedTitleLinks=true) all other generated link-header-pages will contain (in their title) the boundaries: "From which Study - to which Study" does the page contain. So if getting all Studies for a review results in 20 pages, the current page is 15 and the pages requested (see pages under the pagination section) is -2,-1,1,2 then the result could look something like this (only displaying link headers):

<>; rel="-2"; page="13"; title="ISRCTN73545489 - Karner 2012",
<>; rel="-1"; page="14"; title="Katz 2004 - Kourouklis 1976",
<>; rel="1"; page="16"; title="Lieberman 1988 - Matzneller 2013",
<>; rel="2"; page="17"; title="Mazeh 2006 - Moore 1980"


excluded=id,name,… As an optimization, you can specify which fields not to return. Field names are separated by a comma.,year,versionStart,versionEnd

The above request would return:

    "id": "987",
    "reviewId": 123,
    "sectionId": 0,
    "dataSource": "PUB",
    "noteId": 0,
    "createdBy": "anonymous",
    "deletedBy": null,
    "versionNo": 5

NB: It is not possible to use the excluded parameter in combination with Included. If both query parameters are used an error will 400 (BAD REQUEST) will be returned.

NBB: As a default versionStart, versionEnd, createdBy, deletedBy and versionNo are excluded from every result. If these fields are required then provide an empty excluded (


Many endpoints support expanding the related resources to minimize the required number of API round trips. It is used by supplying a comma separated list of Resources. Each Resource lists other Resources that are expandable.

The above example would retrieve a collection of all studies for review 123. An object representing the reference(s) will be inside each Study in the collection.

To further manipulate the expanded result, append a '[' and ']' to the end of the field to expand. Manipulation could be: further expand, sorting and/or filtering. expand, sorting and filtering can be used in any combination and at any level

NB: Please keep in mind that this can be a very CPU and bandwidth intensive feature - use with care. Once Rate Limiting is implemented - use of Expand will be an expensive call.

Nested Expand

It is allowed to make nested expands:[expand=referenceIdentifiers]

In the above example all referenceIdentifiers to the references will be expanded (and returned) within the references (which is returned within the Studies). There is no limit to the number/levels of expands.


Within an expand it is also possible to sort the result:[sort=name]

The above example will sort the reference-list within each Study by name. Sorting in expand uses the same rules as sorting for collection results.


Within an expand it is also possible to filter the result:[q=hello]

The above example will only return expanded references on Studies for review 123 that contain the String "hello". Filtering in expand uses the same rules a filtering for collection results.


It is further possible to expand an expanded result - see Expand.


It is possible at any point to use expandAll to expand recursively - see ExpandAll.


In order not to send empty result-lists - it is possible to set hideEmptyList=true - this will prevent empty lists from being sent.


ExpandAll is a shortcut in order to expand everything on a Resource. In order not to create circular expands cirtain limitations are inserted when using ExpandAll. When expandAll is used without a value - all fields below the resource is recursively expanded. In order just to expand a list of fields this can be done by writing a comma separated list of fieldNames:,note

The above expands all textSections of review 123 recursively + all notes of all textSections.

It is possible to further manipulate the expandAll result, append a '[' and ']' to the end of the field just like Expand.


Turn hal on (=true) or off (=false). This query parameter will supersede the Accept-header. If turned on the result will include hal information.


included=id,name,… As an optimization, you can specify which fields to return. Field names are separated by a comma.,year

The above request would return:





NB: It is not possible to use the included parameter in combination with Excluded.


Only used for requests that return a collection. For all requests (GET, PUT, PATCH, POST and DELETE) it sends the total_count – which is the number of items returned.

"_metadata": {
    "total_count": 2

In case of a GET request also: current page, number of items per_page and total number of pages are returned.

"_metadata": {
    "page": 1,
    "per_page": 30,
    "pages": 1,
    "total_count": 2


A GET request that returns a collection will be set to 30 items per page by default. (The maximum number of items per page is 100). If a different number of items per page is required – use the per_page query parameter. Use the page parameter to specify the page wanted. Use the pages parameter to create user defined Link-headers.

The page numbering is 1-based and omitting the page parameter would result in the first page. If no pagination is specified and the result is bigger than the number of items per page (30 items if nothing is specified) a 206 (PARTIAL CONTENT) will be returned. A 206 (PARTIAL CONTENT) will also be returned if the requested page and per_page cannot be fulfilled (in case you request the last page and it does not contain enough items to fill the per_page specified).

page=3 – would get the 3rd page of results (by default this would be a result of items 61-90)

per_page=40 – the number of results is set to 40 per page (page 1 contains items 1-40, page 2 contains items from 41-80, etc)

pages=-2,-1,1,2 - would create Link-headers for pages -2, -1, 1 and 2 relative to the current page. pages supports ranges. In order to specify a range write: [xxx TO yyy]. In this case Links to pages xxx to page yyy will be generated. xxx must be smaller than yyy otherwise a 400 (BAD REQUEST) will be thrown. A combination of ranges and single pages is supported: pages=-10,[-5 TO 5],10

In all collection results a response header: Total-count is added containing the total number of items in the result.

Link Header

The pagination info is included in the Link-header. Use these links instead of creating your own.

Link: <>; rel="next"

The above link would point to the next page which in this case would be:

Below is a list of possible values in the rel (=relative) part of the link above.




Shows the URL of the immediate next page of results.


Shows the URL of the last page of results.


Shows the URL of the first page of results.


Shows the URL of the immediate previous page of results.


Shows the URL to this result/resource (can also contain a title).

Link-headers are added if available. On non-collection results – a title will be provided with the “self” link.


print=pretty - If you’re debugging your application, you may find it useful to view the data in a human-readable format.

print=silent - As an optimization you can add print=silent to suppress the output from the server when writing data. The response will be empty and indicated by a 204 (NO CONTENT) if successful.


It is possible to filter a collection result further. To do this use q=. q= supports different kinds of filters:

q={searchstring} – simple searching can be done using the parameter q={searchstring}. q=Henrik will further filter the result, only returning Resources that contain the word “Henrik”.

This will return all studies for the review 123 containing a field (any field) with the literal string “Henrik” (case sensitive). When searching for numbers they are converted to strings for matching - thus making it possible to search in the middle of a number/the start of a number or the end of a number: 15 would match the numbers 2015, 1505, as well as any string containing 15.

q={field}:{searchstring} - this narrows the filtering to the field by the name of {field}. It will only match {searchstring} if it is inside {field}. In this case {searchstring} is NOT casesensitiv.

This will return all Studies in review 123 containing the string "henrik" (case insensitive) in the name field.

q=_exists_:{fieldName}will filter the result listing all that have the field with the name {fieldName} set (where the field value is NOT Null)

This will return all Studies in review 123 that doesn't contain Null in the year field

q=_missing_:{fieldName}will filter the result listing all that don't have the field with the name{fieldName} set (where the field value is Null)

This will return all Studies in review 123 that contain Null in the year field

At the moment there is NO support for boolean operators or parenthesis. Only one q= will be used if multiple filters are listed in the url. More filters will be added.

NB: Use this option with caution as it is NOT a database search. The collection returned is sequentially filtered by looking at each field in each item in the collection. Once Rate Limiting is implemented - use of Filter will be an expensive call.


It is possible to sort a collection of results. When sorting is required, specify a comma separated list of field names to sort by. If a “-“ is used before the field name the collection is sorted in descending order.,-firstName

This will sort the collection of authors in the review 123 by first lastName in ascending order and then by firstName in descending order.

In expanded results, it is possible to specify a path for sorting. This would sort a collection based on values in the expanded result. The expanded result MUST be a single resource, it can not be a collection result:

This would get all Outcomes for review 123 and sort them on the dataType provided in the outcomeAnalysis expanded on the outcome. In this example it is also possible the other way around:

This would get all OutcomeAnalysis for review 123 and sort them on the name provided in the expanded outcome.


The default encoding for responses is HAL+JSON. If a different encoding is wanted, it must be specified in the Accept-header. The following types are accepted:






Returns JSON enclosed with HAL



Returns XML enclosed with HAL



Returns JSON



Returns XML

CSVText/csvReturns CSV
SmileApplication/x-jackson-smileReturns Smile

If multiple Accept-headers are in the response – the API will prioritize the Accept-header closest to the top of the above list.


HAL (or HyperMedia Application Language) provides a set of conventions for expressing hyperlinks in either JSON or XML.

More to come – see:

Hal example for a study (in JSON format):

"_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "",
            "title": "HHL"


HTTP Status Codes

Cochrane uses conventional HTTP response codes whenever possible to indicate success or failure of an API request.

Success codes






Request succeeded. Response included



Resource created. URL to new resource in Location header


No Content

Request succeeded, but no response body


Partial Content

Result is too big - typical for results containing collections


Not Modified

The request has not been modified since the last request

Error codes





Bad Request

Could not parse request



No authentication credentials provided or authentication failed



Authenticated user does not have access


Not Found

Resource not found


Unsupported Media Type

The Media type supplied in the Accept header is not supported


Unprocessable Entry

A request to modify or create a resource failed due to a validation error


Too Many Requests

Request rejected due to rate limiting


An internal server error occurred

Entry Points

All endPoints are documented in Swagger on the following url:

All endPoints are camelCased. For all endPoints integrity checks are made to ensure valid data.

  • No labels