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The O in PICO refers to the outcome(s) measured in a review or study.

Which outcomes to annotate

Reviews (methods)
  • all primary outcomes
  • secondary outcomes are NOT being annotated
  • all outcomes in the Summary of Findings Table (SoFt)
  • only annotate an outcome once if it is reported in both the SoFT and in the primary outcomes 
  • use separate (new) group for each outcome except for Composite Outcomes (see below)

Domain & Measure

  • Outcome Domain refers to “what” is being measured for the outcome (e.g. anxiety, symptoms, exacerbations, quality of life, pain, etc.)
  • Outcome Measure refers to the way the outcome was measured (e.g. Glasgow Outcome Scale, McGill Pain Questionnaire)

Domain & Measure with identical or synonymous concepts

  • No need to annotate both Domain and Measure with identical or synonymous concepts
  • Wherever possible annotate Domain using an appropriate Domain concept or Measure using an appropriate Measure concept - i.e. if the concept is available from the correct dropdown
  • If a Measure concept isn't available in the Measure dropdown but is available in the Domain dropdown, then go ahead & annotate as if it was a domain

Composite Outcomes 

  • These outcomes should be annoated in the same Outcome group using OR or AND
GroupOutcomeCategoryVocabulary termBoolean operatorCategoryVocabulary term
1perinatal death or severe morbidityMortalityPerinatal DeathORPhysiological or clinicalsevere morbidity
2maternal death or severe morbidityMortalityMaternal DeathORPhysiological or clinicalsevere morbidity
3death and morbidityMortalityDeathANDPhysiological or clinicalmorbidity

Classification categories

The classification categories come from the COMET (Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness TrialsInitiative. Their Outcome Taxonomy Guide is available HERE.

The expandable tables below list a number of examples but are by far definitive lists. 

  • List of Categories with examples of concepts that all within each category
CategoryTypes & examples
Adverse events

Outcomes that have been explicitly labelled as some form of unintended consequence of the treatment

  • Adverse event
  • Adverse efffect

Adverse effects
Adverse events
Drug reactions
Negative effects
Serious Adverse Events
Compliance with treatment
Adherence to interventionpatient adherence
health promotions behaviour questionnaire findings
Device/intervention failure
  • Device failure
  • Intervention failure
Any treatment failures

TypeImpact of disease or condition on
Physical functioning
  • ability to work
  • physical activities of daily living (e.g. ability to walk, independence, performance status, disability index, measures relating to exercise, sleep, motor skills, sexual dysfunction)
Social functioning
  • social functioning (e.g. ability to socialise, behaviour within society, communication, psychosocial development, aggression, recidivism, life enjoyment, participation)
Role functioning
  • role
  • ability to care for children
  • work status
Emotional functioning/wellbeing
  • emotions
  • overall wellbeing

(e.g. ability to cope, worry, frustration, confidence, self-esteem, psychological status)

Cognitive functioning
  •  cognitive function (e.g. memory lapse, lack of concentration, attention)
  • Infection
  • Infectious diseases



Specific infectious diseases e.g. malaria

Markers of infection e.g. parasitaemia

Viral load

HIV status
Mental health
Mental Healthdepressionany mental health-related conditions

addictionassessments of signs or symptoms relating to these conditions





post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Death
  • Mortality
All Cause Mortality
Overall Mortality
All Cause Survival
Overall Survival
Cause-specific survival
Cause-specific mortality
  • Pain
  • Pain relief
Pain Scores
Pain Measures
Pain Scales
Physiological or clinical
Signs & symptoms 
  • presence of disease or symptoms
  • absence of disease or symptoms
  • remission
  • duration of symptoms
  • number of relapses
  • improvement
  • no improvement
  • clinical success
  • person’s own view of general health
Biological Markers
  • blood components
  • tissue analysis
  • urinalysis
  • bacteriological measures
  • microbial measures
  • oxygen saturation
  • arterial blood gas test
  • cholesterol
General physical health measures 
  • blood pressure
  • respiratory and
  • heart rates
  • BMI, lung
  • function measures
  • infant weight
  • oxygen saturation 
  • fingerclip
Major morbidity event
  • Stroke
  • Social
social problems
smoking cessation

smoking abstinence

Levels of maternal inconvenience
number of parental visits
mother's view of a child
parent-child interaction
Consumption of healther food, drink etc.
Quality of Life
  • Quality of Life
health-related quality of life (HRQL)
quality of life
Resource use
  • Cost analysis
  • general costs
  • inpatient or day case hospital care (e.g. duration of hospital stay, admission to ICU)
  • number of admissions
  • readmission following treatment
  • surgical procedures (e.g. caesarean delivery, time to transplantation) 
  • number of procedures
  • medication (e.g. concomitant medications, pain relief, rescue medication, medication errors)
  • need for additional drugs or “dose of drug”
Societal/carer burden
  • financial or time implications on carer or society as a whole (e.g. need for home help, entry to institutional care, effect on family income, care burden)
Satisfaction with care
  • Satisfaction with care
patient's views about the services they receive
clinician's assessment of adequacy of care or appropriateness of treatment
Carer's views on treatment received by those being care for
Withdrawals or dropouts from study
  • Withdrawal from study
  • List of Concepts and what category to use for each one
All cause mortalityMortality
All cause survivalMortality
Cause specific mortalityMortality
Cause specific survivalMortality
Clinical Success

Physiological or clinical

Duration of symptoms

Physiological or clinical

Improvement/no improvement

Physiological or clinical

Life ExpectancyMortality
Number of relapses

Physiological or clinical

Overall mortalityMortality
Overall survivalMortality
Person’s own view of general health

Physiological or clinical

Presence/absence of disease or symptoms

Physiological or clinical


Physiological or clinical

How to Annotate

The table lists examples of which terms to select for commonly used outomes

OutcomeAnnotation (terms, categories, decisions)

Compliance with ...

Discontinuation of ...

Disease Specific Mortality

COPD-specific mortalityCOPD AND DeathMortality

Frequency of Medication Use

TermJIRA comment
Administration Of Medication LDO-1171 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Life expectancy

TermJIRA ticket for more information
LDO-1292 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Resolution of symptoms

Response rate/Response to treatment

SynonymsDomain term to use for all synonyms
Response rate

Therapeutic Response

Response to treatment

Clinical response to treatment

Response to therapy

Finding related to therapeutic response

Complete response

Safety and Tolerability


Adverse Events

(term to be inserted)
  • Studies of drug interventions (especially studies done by pharma for submission to various regulatory bodies) often group their outcomes under the headings of Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics
  • Instead of trying to find a specific term for Safety or Tolerability, just consider them as synonyms for Adverse Events and annotate them as such

Please note!

Do NOT use the term "Safety Finding" or terms for "Drug Tolerance".

Safety finding(term to be inserted)
Safety as assessed by proportion of neonates with adverse events ...(term to be inserted)
Efficacy and safety outcomes(term to be inserted)
Safety data(term to be inserted)
Safety laboratory parameters(term to be inserted)


Terms to useCategoryNotes
Progression free survivalMortality
  • There are several narrower terms under the broader term Survival
  • If survival outcomes are mentioned on their own, then use the specific term
Event free survival
Disease free survival
Overall survival
CD008981Survival free of any disabilityDisabilityEvent-Free SurvivalMortality
  • The aim is to annotate  the "free of X" part in Outcome Domain and use the appropriate "Y-free Survival" term in Outcome Measure

Symptom Burden

Duration of Symptom  or Morbidity Index 

Time to ...

Withdrawals due to Adverse Events

Withdrawal Due to Adverse Events

  • No labels