Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Authors have complete autonomy to change the author byline.
  • Cochrane adheres to the Committee for Publication Ethics (COPE) guidance, which says all authors should confirm they agree with changes to the byline in writing
  • Agreement is recorded through signatures on a Changes of Authorship form, available to download from within our Authorship policy.
  • Authors will need to complete the form and collect signatures from previous and current authors to show they have agreed to this change. 
  • It is the authors' responsibility to confirm all authors agree with changes. Cochrane cannot mediate in authorship disputes.



, including during authoring phase

  • Cochrane authors must complete a signed Changes of Authorship form when they add, remove, or re-order authors on their byline. This applies after publication and to reviews or updates, whose authorship has changed since the previous published protocol or review version, respectively. 
  • Requests to change bylines before submission, can go to Cochrane groups or to Cochrane Support.
  • If changes are made before submission, authors should submit a completed Changes of Authorship form for editorial assessment with their next submission. 
  • The only point at which written agreement is not required for byline changes, is before the first submission of a draft protocol (at this point, there is neither a submission or publication on record).



after submission

  • Authors requesting a change in authorship (modify the order, remove, or add an author) after they have submitted their article must send a completed Changes in Authorship form to the editor handling their article.
  • Requests to change bylines after submission, should go to the Managing Editor. 
