Production Manager tasks
Elizabeth Royle/Denise Mitchell have the Production Manager role on each Editorial Manager site to guide submissions through copy-editing. Task 3 and 4 below are assigned to the Production Manager role and these are completed by the Cochrane Support Team.
Automated tasks are assigned by and to a dummy account 'Production Manager System Notifications'. This is visible in the History > Production Task History and Correspondence History.
Task 1a: RevMan: Assign Copy Editor (open for 10 days)
- Receive task assignment email with link to task. The email will provide full details of the submission.
- Follow the task link in the email to locate the submission on relevant EM site.
Part 1: Clean File Inventory
- Open Link to File Inventory.
- Confirm no companion files have the following item types or file extensions:
- XML Input .xml
- XML Output .xml
- Finished Figure .png .jpeg .svg
- Dataset .rm5
- XML Input .xml
- If any files with these item types or file extensions are present, select them and Hide Selected Companion Files.
- Save and Close
Part 2: Assign Production Task
- Assign Production Task > Proceed with Selected Task.
- Assign the copy edit task to designated Copy Editor and send task assignment email. The ME will automatically be copied in.
Two workflows on Central Editorial Service site
Tasks and assignment emails will differ, depending on whether manuscripts have been managed by CES from first submission. See also Copy Editor tasks.
CES manuscripts | Transfers to CES and manuscripts on group sites | |
Copy edit task | Copy edit (CES manuscript) | RevMan: Copy edit initial |
Proofread task | Final roofread (CES manuscript) | RevMan: Copy edit final |
Part 3: Submit Task
- After sending the assignment email, select Tasks Menu > Submission Tasks Assigned to Me.
- Submit Task > RevMan: Assign Copy Editor to clear this task from Submission Tasks Assigned to Me.
Task 1b: Assign Pre-edit
- Either of the tasks 'RevMan: Assign Copy Editor' or 'RevMan : Copy Edit Initial' may be open.
- Locate the submission on relevant EM site > Assign Production Task.
- Select task RevMan: Pre-edit.
- Select assignee J&J Copy Editing (registered to email with the Copy Editor role.
- All tasks for J&J should be assigned to this shared account - and will then be reassigned to individual team members, by team lead Sarah Hammond.
- Send task assignment email including any additional information.
Interim tasks (Copy Editor, Managing Editor, Author)
See Copy edit and publication: group sites.
Task 2: RevMan: Assign Copy Editor (final proofread) (open for 10 days)
- Receive task assignment email with link to task. The email will provide full details of the submission.
- Follow the task link in the email to locate the submission on relevant EM site.
- Assign Production Task > Proceed with Selected Task.
- Assign task RevMan: Copy Edit Final to designated Copy Editor and send task assignment email.
- After sending the assignment email, select Tasks Menu > Submission Tasks Assigned to Me.
- Submit Task > RevMan: Assign Copy Editor (final proofread) to clear this task from Submission Tasks Assigned to Me.
Interim task (Copy Editor)
See Copy edit and publication: group sites.
Task 3: Upload RevMan production package (open for 4 days)
Part 1: Download RevMan production package
- Receive task assignment email with link to task. The email will provide full details of the submission.
- Follow the task link in the email to locate the task on relevant EM site.
- In a new tab, follow the link in the email to open the review in RevMan Web (right-click on link > Open in new tab).
- In RevMan Web, Submit current version to download the production package.
If you see any validation Errors on the Validation Report on the RevMan Web dashboard, you may wish to pause and contact the ME or Ursula Gonthier to resolve, before downloading the production package.
Part 2: Check Details and File Inventory
- In EM, view Production Details.
- Confirm the Submission Target Online Publication date is blank.
- If the date is in the past, delete it and Save.
- If the date is in the future, confirm a specific publication date is mentioned in the Production Notes. If not, delete date and Save. If the Target Online Publication Date feature is used, the submission will move to publication between midnight and 1:00am on the date shown.
- Open Link to File Inventory. (This is a second quick check, as the File Inventory is cleaned when Assigning Copy Editor.)
- See instructions above at Part 1: Clean File Inventory.
When trying to remove .xml files from the File Inventory, you may see the warning that these files cannot be removed as they are already assigned to the Upload RevMan production package. In this case, you will need to:
- Search for dummy account 'Production Manager System Notifications' (last name = System).
- Proxy with Publisher Admin role.
- Submission Tasks I have Assigned.
- Locate Upload RevMan production package task for relevant submission.
- Cancel assignment and send email.
- View all Submissions in Production > return to File inventory.
- Remove relevant files and Save and close.
- Assign Production Task.
- Select Upload RevMan production package > Assign to yourself and send email or Assign task without sending letter.
- Log out to stop proxying as dummy account 'Production Manager System Notifications'.
- Return to Submission Tasks Assigned to Me and continue as shown below.
To avoid this workaround, you may wish to clean the File Inventory when Assigning the Copy Editor.
Part 3: Upload RevMan production package
- Submission Tasks Assigned to Me.
- Upload RevMan production package task for relevant submission.
- Submit Task > Upload Files.
- Drag and drop or browse to select the RevMan Source package zip file only from your downloads folder - downloaded at step 1 above (manuscript PDF not required).
- The file should not unzip when the task is completed.
- Proceed > Submit Production Task.
Part 4: Set Final Disposition
- After submitting the task above, choose to navigate to the Editorial Menu > All Submissions with Editor's Decision.
- Searching by title or manuscript number, locate the submission.
- Set Final Disposition > Accept > Proceed.
- Proceed > Confirm Accept and Proceed.
- Send the acceptance notification > OK.
If you are not able to select Accept as a Final Disposition term, and are offered only Withdraw or Transfer, this means the editor has not completed the Accept decision correctly. You have two options:
- Proxy as the ME
- On the Main Menu, go to My Assignments with Decision.
- Locate the submission.
- Choose action Notify Author.
- Modify Letter > Accept decision - protocols, reviews, updates.
- Customise the letter to let the authors know the submission is moving to publication (the letter should have been sent far earlier in the process so the information is not relevant). Sign off as yourself 'on behalf of' the ME. CC. the ME.
- Send.
- Log out to stop proxying as the ME and continue as shown above.
- Pause and use action Send Email to ask the ME to notify the author to complete the decision. When you hear back, Set Final Disposition. You can continue to Prepare for Publication as shown below, in the meantime.
Interim tasks (automated)
Unpack RevMan Source
Assign License (Lambda)
Wait one working day between uploading the RM package to EM and completing the Prepare for publication task. This allows editors to request last-minute changes and stop embargoed publications that may publish too early.
Task 4: Prepare for Publication (open for 4 days)
- If the interim tasks listed above complete correctly, this task should be assigned directly after Upload RevMan production package
- After Setting Final Disposition, return to Submission Tasks Assigned to Me.
- If the Prepare for Publication task is not assigned, view History > Production Task History to diagnose any issues with interim tasks. If in doubt, contact
- Submission Tasks Assigned to Me.
- Prepare for Publication task for relevant submission.
- Submit Task > Submit Production Task.
Concluding tasks (automated)
Deliver to Wiley; Publish on CLib. After publication, the submission will appear on the Publisher tab in Archie.
Embargoed publications
Where submissions need to be published on an agreed date to coincide with press/dissemination activity, this should be indicated in the Production Notes. Agreed text: DO NOT PUBLISH UNTIL DATE CONFIRMED DD Month YYYY (ME = Name). See Copy edit and publication: group sites.
Publication date should be agreed on Slack #scheduled-publications channel.
When date agreed, process submission as follows:
- Set Submission Target Online Publication Date before completing the Upload RevMan production package task as described above.
- Automated tasks autocomplete as expected.
- Submission will appear on daily publication report the following day.
- Complete Prepare for Publication task as described above.
- Deliver to Wiley autocompletes as expected.
- Publish on CLib task will complete at midnight-1am UK time, on Submission Target Online Publication Date.
Communicate to manage expectations
Communication is the most important element of troubleshooting! Publication delays are acceptable as long as knowledge and steps to resolution are shared.
If you notice an issue with a failed publication, please post in #scheduled-publications. Tag Harry Dayantis, Toby Lasserson, ME of submission as relevant - according to information in publication notes.
If resolution is taking a while, post updates as and when available from Wiley.
Unpack RevMan Source or Assign Licence (Lambda) tasks stuck at open:
- Post on Slack in #its-core-systems with MS # and ask if there is an SFTP issue - Gert can advise.
Deliver to Wiley task stuck at open:
- Locate submission in EM and check files delivered to Wiley look as expected.
- If incorrect file(s) included, check with Ursula/Gert if task can be cancelled and repeated.
- If can proceed > cancel open task > replace/remove/adjust item types on File Inventory > reassign task.
If source of error is unclear:
- Post CD number and open task details in in #its-core-systems or #auriga-cit and ask team if they can identify any issues.
- If not, escalate to Ursula to follow up with Wiley or raise a ticket on Wiley Production Issues Jira board. To raise a ticket:
- Create > enter details of issue
- Begin ticket subject with High/Medium/Low according to following prioritisation rules:
- High - affects display of all publications, or one high-priority/high-profile publication
- Medium - affects display of one publication not designated as high-priority/high-profile
- Low - publication was successful but reported issue affects one element of publication e.g. PDF, one figure etc
- In 'Component' field, add 'Assignment' - this will ensure the ticket is automatically assigned to the Wiley team
- Alternatively, after ticket is created, add assignee Ashan Gunasekara
If Wiley request XML file for investigation: download and share XML-final file from EM file inventory
If source of error is RevMan JATS that cannot be rendered by Wiley:
- Move/create Support ticket for RevMan team to correct JATS
- If Wiley supply list of errors in Wiley ML, go back and request corresponding line references in Cochrane JATS
- When RevMan team confirm the JATS is correct:
- Download RM production package from relevant review
- Unassign Deliver to Wiley task
- Clean all production files from File Inventory
- Reassign and complete Unpack task
- Complete Prepare for Publication task
- Confirm amended version publishes correctly - if not, go back to Wiley