Sign-Off Editor decisions

These instructions are for Managing Editors in Cochrane Central Editorial Service assigning submissions to Sign-Off Editors.

Instructions for Sign-Off Editors are available at Sign-Off Editor assignments.

Sign-Off Editor feedback and decisions are required at two stages of the editorial process:

  1. After peer review, when revisions are sent back to authors.
  2. At final decision, to complete the editorial process.

Sign-Off Editor assignments are handled as reviewer assignmentsSign-Off Editors will have the role Sign-Off Editor (Reviewer).

Invite a Sign-Off Editor

Use action Invite Reviewers to invite a Sign-Off Editor to make a decision. If you have already contacted the Sign-Off Editor and have their prior agreement to take the assignment, follow the instructions below at Assign a Sign-Off Editor (with prior agreement).

  • Review settings > Edit > Required Reviews = 1
  • Un-invite reviewers who do not respond after = 7
  • Save settings
  • Search for Sign-Off Editor by name or role
  • > Inv. (Invite) > Confirm letter shows as Sign-Off Editor invitation
  • Confirm due date for assignment is 14 days (after Sign-Off Editor accepts invitation) 
  • Customise > Edit letter to reflect correct stage in editorial process

Response to invitation

You will receive a notification when a Sign-Off Editor:

  • Accepts an invitation
  • Declines an invitation
  • Does not respond to an invitation within 7 days

Assign a Sign-Off Editor (after invitation)

You will receive a notification when a Sign-Off Editor accepts an invitation.

  • Use action Send Email > choose Ad Hoc Email Sign-Off Editor assignment after agreeing
  • (tick) Tick to select Sign-Off Editor as recipient
  • Customise
  • Attach collated peer review comments and any other documentation
  • Send Email

Assign a Sign-Off Editor (with prior agreement)

If you have contacted the Sign-Off Editor separately/at an earlier stage in the editorial process, you do not need to invite them and wait for them to accept the invitation. You can assign the editor directly.

  • Use action Invite Reviewers.

  • Review settings > Edit > Required Reviews = 1
  • Un-invite reviewers who do not respond after = 7
  • Save settings
  • Search for Sign-Off Editor by name or role
  • > Asn. (Assign) > Confirm letter shows as Sign-Off Editor assignment with prior agreement
  • Confirm due date for assignment is 14 days.
  • Customise > Edit letter to reflect correct stage in editorial process
  • Attach collated peer review comments and any other documentation
  • Send Email

Notification of decision

You will receive a notification when a Sign-Off Editor:

  • Submits their comments (CC. to Thank you email to editor)
  • When the Sign-Off Editor's comments mean Required Reviews are complete for the submission

Reminders to Sign-Off Editors

Sign-Off Editors will receive the following automated reminders:

  1. Accept or decline an invitation
  2. Submit recommendation - 7 days before due date and due date
  3. Overdue reminders - 3 and 7 days past due date 
  4. When comments are partially saved