Multiple Cochrane groups providing support

The following information has been applicable prior to consolidation of editorial functions to the Central Editorial Service.

If more than one Cochrane editorial group provides support on a Cochrane protocol, review, or update, this can be displayed in the ‘Information’ section of the published Cochrane Library article.
  • All contributing groups must agree to be named on the article, and their agreement should come as early as possible in the editorial process.
  • The nature of the support must be editorial (e.g. shared editors, shared editorial process, joint peer review), or it may take the form of shared funding for the review between the groups.
  • Review authors should be made aware of the arrangement and must be given the opportunity to discuss any concerns with the groups before publication.
  • The review will appear under all groups in the annual metrics reports provided by the publisher.

Up to five editorial groups can be recorded as contributors to a Cochrane Library article; however, only one of them can be the Primary Group, appearing first in the published list and retaining editorial permissions during the editorial process. Further information on group roles as well as instructions for implementing the list of contributing groups can be found in the Archie Knowledge Base.