Comments on published articles

Providing guidance on the Cochrane Library editorial policies on


Cochrane's view

Commenting on Cochrane protocols, reviews, and editorials provides an opportunity for Cochrane Library users to contribute to the ongoing improvement and updating of Cochrane Library articles. 

Cochrane's comments process is in place to meet ICMJE recommendations on post-publication correspondence, and COPE recommendations on post-publication discussions and corrections. Seeking and responding to comments through a transparent process are important parts of the scientific process and publication ethics.

Comments guidance

For commenters

Public guidance on submitting comments is provided on the Cochrane Library.

For authors responding to comments

Cochrane's comments requirements include expectations for authors submitting a response to a comment.

When notifying authors of a comment received on their article, the CDSR Comments Support team reminds authors that by signing a licence for publication form for a Cochrane review, authors agree to be accountable for ensuring that all questions related to the review, including, without limitation, questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the review, are appropriately investigated and resolved.


Submission, moderation, and publication decision

Comments can be received via the Cochrane Library any time after article publication. Following moderation by the CDSR Comments Support team (Editorial Policy & Research Integrity team), submitted comments are either published, not published, or escalated for further consultation to reach a publication decision.


Comments are forwarded to the corresponding author of the Cochrane Library article after the comments publishing process has concluded. A managing editor is copied into the correspondence if applicable (see table below). To comply with data protection regulations, the email address of the original commenter is not shared with the author team. It does remain part of the HappyFox record for the comment, to be used by editors for correspondence concerning the comment only.

Comment statusComment forwarded to corresponding authorArticle was supported byWho is cc'd?Authors advised


Immediately following its publication on the Cochrane Library

CRG (active)CRG Managing EditorME cc'd for awareness and (prior to July 2024) to support the authors in publishing any changes to the article
CRG (inactive)Contact Cochrane Support for help in publishing any changes to the article

Central Editorial Service

Comments on reviews handled exclusively by CES have been less frequent. A standard approach can be agreed following consolidation of editorial functions (i.e. ability to support publishing changes to an article) to CES

ME shown in EM record if still on staff

ME cc'd for awareness and to support the authors in publishing any changes to the article


Contact Cochrane Support for help in publishing any changes to the article

Not published

Immediately following notification to the original commenter

CRG (active)

CRG Managing Editor

ME cc'd for awareness

CRG (inactive)

Central Editorial Service

ME shown in EM record if still on staff

ME cc'd for awareness

Supporting an author team responding to a comment

Previous expectations

Prior to mid-2023, comments received via the Cochrane Library were forwarded to CRG editors, who held responsibility for a) informing authors of a comment received on their article, b) deciding whether the CRG and/or the authors would be submitting a response, c) liaising with the authors to compose a response, and d) delivering the response to the CET comments moderator. Usually, the original comment was not published until the CRG had completed steps (a)-(d). 

The process of moderating and publishing comments was centralized in mid-2023 to improve commenter experience, reduce workload, and adjust to Cochrane's ongoing changes to editorial structure.

Current expectations

Editors are no longer expected to lead authors in responding to comments. It is communicated clearly to contact authors that it is their responsibility to respond to comments and to indicate in their response whether anything in the article will change as a result of the comment. Managing Editors who are cc'd into communication regarding comments may want to initiate support to authors but are not required to do so.

A review may or may not be amended, updated, or, in rare cases, withdrawn as a result of a comment. If a comment does prompt a change to a review, authors are advised to contact their managing editor or Cochrane Support for help with publishing the changes, as is standard for amendments and updates (see Dates and events in RevMan Knowledge Base).