On the 30th January 2018 you should have all received an email updating you on the new milestones and revised scope which we hope makes the task more achievable.


Do I need to annotate the studies in our reviews?

For now you are being asked to annotate ONLY the methods sections. However, if you wish, you can annotate the included studies

We were told we would have to QA annotations done by Aptara for the pilot, do we still have to do this?No. We focused on only six CRGs from whom we got feedback. We will send out futher communication about this.

Is there anyone who can help me with this work?

If you need someone to do some annotation for you, in order to meet the recently communicated milestones, email Deirdre (dbeecher@cochrane.org).

Can you confirm that the “methods only” annotation also applies to the December 2018 milestone (i.e. for everything we have published from 2015 onwards)?

Yes this is correct.

I assume the annotation of studies will be required at some point in the future. Can you give me an idea of when this will begin?

This is being discussed within the team on how we can annotate studies and/or analyses however for 2018 your focus is on annotating the methods sections of your reviews.

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