Use "Quick Search" for simple searches such as finding a person's email address or primary group. You always have access to quick search in the upper right corner of the main page. Enter one or more terms, run the search, and the records matching your search term(s) will be displayed in the Results list.
Quick Search for people searches names and all public addresses. It checks the following fields for your search term(s):
- Name:
- For each address (e.g. Work, or Home):
Quick Search for groups searches the following fields:
- Name (of group)
- City
- Country
Quick search for documents searches the following fields:
- Title
- RevMan ID
- The publisher ID (the CD####### element of the DOI field)
Quick search is not case sensitive. You do not need to use any punctuation to separate search terms, e.g., search for 'Mike Clarke' or 'Clarke Mike' - not 'Clarke, Mike'. You can use punctuation if it is part of the term you are searching for, e.g., 'Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care'.
Tip: If you are unsure about the spelling of part of you search term, use wildcard characters. You can use * as a substitute for zero or more characters and ? as a substitute for a single character.
Tip: You may not always know whether a term is using one of the non-English characters with accents, such as ü or å. But regardless of how you enter it, Archie will find always find both versions. For example, you can find Müller by searching for Muller, and 'Joel' by searching for 'Joël'.
To do a Quick Search
- Enter one or more search terms in the Quick Search box, e.g., given name and country.
- To search for:
- People, click
or press the Enter key - Documents, click
or press Ctrl-D - Groups, click
or press Ctrl-E
- Your results will be displayed under Results on the Search tab.
Tip: You can also search on part of a word, e.g, 'denm' for Denmark or 'rington' for Hetherington
Quick Search is also available from the Search tab, where you have the additional option of choosing whether to Match all terms or Match any terms. Match all terms (the default) is like using AND between terms; it will identify records that include all of the search terms. Match any terms is like using OR between terms; it will identify records that include at least one of the search terms.