Reviews in Archie can be automatically modified to include study and reference identifiers from the Cochrane Register of Studies Database (CRS-D). Their insertion is essential for linking all our records together. There are two types of identifiers: CRSSTD is an identifier for a study in CRS-D, and CRSREF is an identifier for a reference in CRS-D.
The CRS-D IDs will in most cases be inserted into RevMan reviews the first time a full, published review is checked out from Archie. They will also be inserted or updated as part of the publication process i.e., whilst you are working through the Publication Wizard. The CRS IDs will not be published on the Cochrane Library.
Note: When you view the version to be published the CRS-D IDs will be displayed, but if you preview the published PDF’s the CRS-D IDs will not appear.
The location and format of the identifiers is shown in the example below:
Afari 1996
[CRSSTD: 2103267]
Afari EA, Kamiya Y, Nkrumah FK, Dunyo SK, Akpedonu P, Kamiya H, et al. Randomized controlled trial of acellular diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccines in southern Ghana. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics 1996;16(1):39-48. [CRSREF: 2103268; MEDLINE: 1996260449; PubMed: 8787364]
You can also add the CRS-D IDs yourself prior to publication, see 'To manually sync with CRS' below. It is not recommend to publish amendments of reviews to get the CRS-D IDs inserted.
In the long term it is the intention that CRS-D IDs be published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL).
To manually sync with CRS
Sync with CRS allows users to add CRS-D IDs prior to publication, so that you can see the final version with the CRS-D IDs. We do not recommend you use this Sync with CRS function until you have had your review copy-edited and until the Group's Information Specialist has approved the reference content, as this will potentially create unnecessary duplicates in the CRS-D.