Cochrane’s editorial and publishing policies can now be found on the Cochrane Library Editorial policies page. Cochrane authors and editorial teams should refer to the Cochrane Library as the primary source of information on this policy. For editorial guidance on policies the EPPR remains the primary location.

Version history


Note: “Cochrane Review” refers to protocols for Cochrane Reviews, Cochrane Reviews, and Cochrane Reviews that are being updated.

If authors disagree with an editorial decision made regarding a specific Cochrane Review, protocol for a Cochrane Review, or update of a Cochrane Review, they may appeal the decision. 

Appeals are considered on the basis of:

  1. errors in the editorial process (the correct editorial procedure or Cochrane policy has not been followed).
  2. errors in the decision (the correct process has been followed but there has been an error in its interpretation or understanding).

Only one appeal per Cochrane Review will be considered, and, if escalated, the Editor in Chief’s decision is final.

For Editors: also see Appeals policy: editorial management

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