

  1. Objective: Drive uptake of the focussed review format
    KR: When we switch the remaining reviews to FRF in April 2024, there are no requests to roll them back to the old format
  2. Objective: Reduce opportunities for errors in submitted text
    KR: The number of reviews that pass the QA editor check for "Possible data entry errors" increases by 20%
    KR: The number of reviews that pass the QA editor check for "Key findings consistent across the summary versions" increases by 20%
  3. Objective: Improve the usability/stability of RevMan
    KR: Post-submission user satisfaction scores increase by 10%
  4. Objective: Improve data interoperability with other tools in the review production ecosystem
    KR: An additional 2 tools support the import or export of RevMan data, including 1 guideline development tool.

Sprint startSprint endScope
20/11/202301/12/2023Finish Angular migration
4/12/202315/12/2023Install product analytics, Porto
18/12/202329/12/2023Finish decision log, 🎄🎄🎄

Recordings folder: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Informatics%20%26%20Knowledge%20Management/projects/w1-revproduction/future%20of%20review%20production/RevMan%20Web/RevMan%20Web%20sprint%20demos

Sprint Review - 15th Dec 2023

Recording - 

Sprint Goal 🎯

Get decision log ready for Cochrane portfolios


  1. Retirement of the 'Practice review templates' section of the My Reviews page
    1. New 'copy link to create practice review' action available from template dashboard
    2. Transfer of all existing templates into the 'Practice review template' unit


Sprint Review - 1st Dec 2023

Recording - https://cochranecollaboration-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/sgardner_cochrane_org/EURY_YBBS45PhN0gmNYGvoQBl0GURCVM2csijonKYCoHaw?referrer=Teams.TEAMS-ELECTRON&referrerScenario=MeetingChicletGetLink.view.view

Sprint Goal 🎯

Finish Angular migration ✅


  1. Import study data UX improvements based on Colloquium workshop learning
    1. More clarity around RoB2 import 
  2. All calculator outputs now transferred back into study results table
  3. Create practice review from FRF template now promoted in UI
  4. Up to 5 practice reviews per user now possible 
