2022Q4 RevMan Web development progress

Sprint plan

Est start date 

Epic/backlog item
2022-11-07DTA reviews
 2022-11-21DTA reviews, performance spike, export and download
2022-12-05Export and download, performance spike
2022-12-19Low availability due to holidays
2023-01-05Export and download, Non-Cochrane reviews phase II
2022-01-16Move to Angular, Remove dependencies on RevMan 5 and RevMan 5 format

Agenda Sprint demo

  1. What did we complete in the sprint?

    1. Short summary
    2. Demo of new functionality
  2. Feedback
    1. Summarize comments from demo
    2. Update on comments from previous demo
  3. How are we progressing towards our quarterly targets?

  4. Adoption and activity in RevMan Web

Sprint started  






Delete Porto review versions that are outside version retention policy, and ability to manually delete versionsNon-Cochrane reviews phase II26/127/1

Import of all DTA reviews

Retire RevMan 517/127/1
Remove dependency on RevMan 5 code for DTA calculations (Implement meta-analysis API for DTA reviews)Retire RevMan 526/1-

Improved security around creating Porto reviews for individuals

Non-Cochrane reviews phase II26/1-
Remove ability to add new comments

Other work completed

  • Update all DTA reviews to QUADAS 2
  • Clean up vacant titles, titles, and inactive Archie reviews
  • 2 E2E tests
  • 1 bug fix
  • Roadmap update & retrospective
  • UX workshop for supplementary materials
  • 2 interviews for developer position


  • ER: concern about losing version we may need
  • LG: concern 30 versions is not enough for non-Cochrane users
  • LG: should we limit who can delete?
  • ER: could we keep some sort of export (including text) even on deletion?
  • LG (unrelated): would like the ability to have a custom label for "other" figures.
  • LG (unrelated): concern about being able to work offline (e.g. during blackouts)
  • LG/ER/MT: concern that RMW is more time consuming to work in than RM5, want to have access to RM5 for longer

Activity panel last 30 days

Reviews with advanced features in Cochrane (only use RevMan Web)

  • In total:  358 (+8)
  • GRADEPro integration: 243 (+7)
  • RoB 2: 196 (+1)
  • Study-centric data: 18 (+1)

Reviews in Porto

  • 76 (+30)

Number of study-centric analyses (Cochane & external users)

  • 611 (+1)

Overall activity RevMan Web vs. RevMan 5 (2 years)

Sprint started  






Study data export Retire RevMan 5TBD13/1
Analysis data export (not DTA)Retire RevMan 5TBD13/1
Disable last external parameter if you've entered enough data (DTA reviews)Retire RevMan 5 / Support DTA reviewsTBD-
Update Cochrane logo link to landing pageRetire RevMan 5 / Non-Cochrane reviews phase IITBD-
Make sure organization logos appear in expected format (as in Porto)Retire RevMan 5 / Non-Cochrane reviews phase IITBD-
View CD number in RMW

Other work completed

  • Test performance of find and replace in full-text view if it only contains main article
  • 1 bug fix
  • 4 E2E tests
  • Improved database indexing
  • Update header section of supplementary materials (to prepare for user testing)
  • Design analysis sheets with calculated data for DTA reviews 


Progress download and export feature

  • 35/48 story points completed 

Progress individual subscriptions of RevMan for non-Cochrane reviews

  • Go-ahead for launch closer (no need for governing board approval)
  • 1 story left (in testing)

Activity panel last 30 days

Reviews with advanced features in Cochrane (only use RevMan Web)

  • In total:  350 (+9)
  • GRADEPro integration: 236 (+3)
  • RoB 2: 195 (+6)
  • Study-centric data: 17 (+2)

Reviews in Porto

  • 46 (+6) in 13 organizations

Number of study-centric analyses (Cochane & external users)

  • 610 (-3)

Overall activity RevMan Web vs. RevMan 5 (2 years)

Sprint started  






Export and download PDF, JSON, figures and JATSRetire RevMan 515/1216/12
When you add a new analysis the default Option  for SROC plot 'Display SROC curve(s)' is off by defaultRetire RevMan 515/12-
When you do a paired data analysis automatically, show long dashed line as defaultRetire RevMan 515/12-
Practice reviews should be deleted after 30 daysRetire RevMan 515/12-

Other work completed

  • Import of all DTA reviews in training (rehearsal for import on production)
  • Synchronise review authors in Archie and ReviewDB
  • Preparations for user feedback on supplementary materials
    • Generate supplementary materials as XHTML
    • Handle bibliographic references in supplementary materials
  • 3 E2E tests
  • Bug fixed: forest plot for DTA review shows wrong covariate values
  • Design analysis data format for DTA reviews


  • How does the format look like? Rebecka to share the formats for study data and analysis data. 
  • Louise does not see the export feature (Rebecka to follow up) 

Progress download and export feature

14/45 story points completed 

Activity panel last 30 days

Reviews with advanced features in Cochrane (only use RevMan Web)

  • In total:  341 (+7)
  • GRADEPro integration: 233 (+6)
  • RoB 2: 189 (+6)
  • Study-centric data: 15 (+0)

Reviews in Porto

  • 471 (+1) in 10 organizations

Number of study-centric analyses (Cochane & external users)

  • 613 (+4)

Overall activity RevMan Web vs. RevMan 5 (2 years)

Sprint started  






Covariate data entry

Retire RevMan 5



Add and edit DTA analyses

Retire RevMan 5



DTA calculator

Retire RevMan 5



Other work completed

  • Strip leading and trailing spaces and empty rows on import from CSV
  • 2 E2E tests
  • "Mockups" for supplementary materials as html for appendices and study characteristics (preparation for introducing supplementary materials)
  • Communication of date to retire RevMan 5 sent out on November 24 (date for retirment: Apr 25, 2023)


  • You need to set default value for covariates as blank, could we change this process? We will need to wait until RevMan 5 is retired to address this. 
  • Ability to add footnote for test data row. We will need to wait until RevMan 5 is retired to address this. 
  • Dashed line as default for SROC plots
  • Current method for SROC is Moses which is not up-to-date methodology. From previous demo: change default to off for SROC curve. 
  • If you've put in 4 out of 5 external parameters, disable the 5th option 
  • For reviews with a large number of tests, will the current analysis be a problem? Test with reviews from Yemisi. 
  • Traffic lights for methodological quality in forest plot 

Progress DTA reviews

  • All features completed for DTA reviews on projected date: 2 Dec

Activity panel last 30 days

Reviews with advanced features in Cochrane (only use RevMan Web)

  • In total:  334 (+2)
  • GRADEPro integration: 227 (+1)
  • RoB 2: 183 (+2)
  • Study-centric data: 15 (+0)

Reviews in Porto

  • 40 (+0) reviews in 10 organizations

Number of study-centric analyses (Cochane & external users)

  • 609 (+45) 

Overall activity RevMan Web vs. RevMan 5 (2 years)

Sprint started  






Add edit, delete covariates

Retire RevMan 5



Show methodological quality and Characteristics on PICO tab

Retire RevMan 5



Test data entry for studies

Retire RevMan 5



Other work completed

  • CET meetings

  • 1 bug


  • Is there an option to to exclude a result to do sensitivity analysis? We could but only after RevMan 5 is retired.

Progress DTA reviews

Progress Individual use of RevMan Web (RevMan Web part)

  • No news

Activity panel last 30 days

Reviews with advanced features in Cochrane (only use RevMan Web)

  • In total:  332 (+2)
  • GRADEPro integration: 226 (+4)
  • RoB 2: 181 (+1)
  • Study-centric data: 15 (+0)

Reviews in Porto

  • 40 (+0) reviews in 10 organizations

Number of study-centric analyses (Cochane & external users)

  • 564 (+41) 

Overall activity RevMan Web vs. RevMan 5 (2 years)