Compare versions

Owner: Rebecka Hall (for now)

What business value does this roadmap item create? / Which problem is this roadmap item trying to solve?

An improved functionality to compare versions will encourage Managing Editors to move to RevMan Web. When we remove the functionality in Archie more MEs are likely to start using RevMan Web as they get more familiar with it. 

  • Easy to understand changes since I was last editing the review to pick up my work in the right place.
  • Respond to edits made by someone else than me.
  • Identify a problem free version if there are issue with the latest version.
  • Make it clear which versions authors and Managing Editors can work on (currently MEs work mainly with Archie history and authors with the RevMan Web history and this causes confusion). As a result, authors will not have to check in a version to make MEs aware of it in Archie.

Several authors and Managing Editors have asked for this improvement. Ideas have a suggestion on an improved compare functionality with 11 votes. There is also one suggestion on prompting authors to compare the protocol with the draft review to ensure they align before check in. The feature was suggested at the MEs meeting in Santiago in October 2019.

The fact that there is a Knowledge base page describing how to compare versions (linking to Archie help) implies it is important functionality.  

The view required for the compre functionality can potentially be used to share the review outside of RevMan Web and print it. 

How can the value delivered be measured?

The feature is used and uptake of RevMan Web increases.

Which assumptions are made in relation to the value?

What are the dependencies for fulfilling the business value? 
There needs to a be a useful way of viewing the review as one document. 

What are the risks related to this roadmap item?

What is included in the scope of this solution?

  • Generate a view of the review that can be compared,  RMW-1158 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Identify edits between two versions, who made them and when by compare two versions of a review in RevMan Web.  RMW-1077 - Getting issue details... STATUS