Copy review features

Owner: Rebecka Hall

What business value does this roadmap item create? / Which problem is this roadmap item trying to solve?

Strategic fit

Link to strategy: GOAL 1 Streamlining production of reviews and simplifying editorial systems and processes

Future of review production project: Retire RevMan 5


The ability to create a copy a review via the API could be the foundation for supporting several different user journeys currently supported via RevMan 5/RM5 files and the Cochrane library:

  • Guideline team accessing Cochrane review data before review is published (currently done by sharing RevMan 5 file)

  • External statistical checks (previosuly done by sharing RM5 file, currently done by giving peer statisticians access to the review)

  • Access review data in RevMan from CLIB (currently done by downloading and opening RM5 file)

  • Create practice review (currently done using RevMan 5 file)
  • Create practice reviews from template (currently done using RevMan 5 file)

  • Create template reviews (currently combo of RevMan 5 file and Archie)

For more details about each use case see Use cases for copy review feature

TBD which of the above user journeys will be supported with UI as part of this epic. 

Success measure

Succesful user journeys completed without RevMan 5 or RM5 files by key user groups for user journeys above. 

User journeys above no longer block retiring RevMan 5.

Which assumptions are made in relation to the value?

There's an advantage in implementing API functionality that can support all these user journeys or at least to consider support for them together. 

What are the dependencies for full-filling the business value?

  • Requirements from different user journeys to inform API design, see initial list: Requirements matrix for copy review features
  • Mockups for different user journeys
  • Development team capacity Porto team (templates, guidelines team accessing Cochrane review, Access review data in RevMan from CLIB)
  • Roadmap/business case and development team capacity for CLIB (Access review data in RevMan from CLIB only) 

What are the risks related to this roadmap item?

Trying to find a generalized solution to features with different applications and users could result in reduced user experience for each use case.

What is included in the scope of this solution?


API funcionality to create a copy of a review in reviewDB

User journeys supported with UI:

  • Guideline team accessing Cochrane review data before review is published (currently done by sharing RevMan 5 file)

  • External statistical checks 

  • Create practice review (currently done using RevMan 5 file)
  • Create practice reviews from template (currently done using RevMan 5 file?)

COULD HAVE (dependencies need to be resolved):

How much time do we estimate to implement this epic?

Team estimate: M (1-2 sprints, many unknowns) 2022-09-08.