Support more types of study-centric analyses

Owner: Rebecka Hall

What business value does this epic create? / Which problem is this epic trying to solve?

Strategic fit

Link to strategy: GOAL 1 Streamlining production of reviews and simplifying editorial systems and processes

Future of review production project: New review format


  • Supporting more types of analyses in study-centric data will reduce number of custom input analyses in Cochrane reviews
  • Enabling re-use of data e.g. for labels will improve submission quality and reduce cost of copy editing
  • Structured subgrouping and sensitivity analyses using covariates will improve decision making for analyses

Success metric

Proportion of study-centric analyses/total number of analyses per review (for reviews started 2023) by end of 2023 is above 0.8.

Which assumptions are made in relation to the value?

  • Although, not a majority of analyses would need these features, it is a conisderable number that would

What are the dependencies for fulfilling the business value?

  • Prioritization by review development team, see MURAL for data collection and description of use cases
  • Author training and guidance 
  • Mockups and requirements for implementation
  • Test data 

What are the risks related to this roadmap item?

What is included in the scope of this solution?

At least:

  • Outcome grouping
  • Subgroup by intervention
  • Subgroup by outcome
  • Filer by intervention
  • Filter by outcome