View subscription details for my organization
Log in to the Cochrane RevMan Portfolio pages as an Organizational Administrator.
Subscription details
- Seats: total number of users for whom your organization has purchased access
- Expiry date: when your current subscription is due for renewal
- Total seats used and a breakdown of these
- Centrally managed users include organizational administrators, unit leads, and authors who have been invited from within RevMan
- Pending centrally managed users are those above who have not yet accepted their invitation (they do not count as taking up a seat until they accept their invitation)
- Self registered users are individual subscribers that are affiliated with your organization. Your organization has sponsored their subscription.
- Please note, users with multiple roles only take up one seat. An author on an inactive/closed review does not take up a seat
- If your renewal date is upcoming, and/or if you have reached your seat limit, you will see relevant information here, as well as a reminder banner in your Portfolio pages.
Unless you have an unlimited subscription, the subscription purchased by your organization will include a set number of seats. If this number is reached, you will receive an email to let you know. No further new invitations can be sent, and if you have enabled sponsored subscriptions, individuals will not be able to register. You can purchase additional seats by contacting
If you have queries about your subscription details, please contact