Switch between roles

This page is for

(tick) Organizational Administrators | (tick) Unit Leads | (tick) Individual subscribers | (error) Cochrane users

Select a role when logging in 

Log in to the Cochrane RevMan Portfolio pages.

If you have multiple roles, you will see the role selector pop-up.

Click to select the role you need. You will be navigated to the default page for that role. For example, selecting a unit lead role will navigate you to the unit portfolio page.

Switch roles whilst logged in 

Use the role selector dropdown menu to the left of your name. Select the role you need. You will be navigated to the default page for that role. For example, selecting a unit lead role will navigate you to the unit portfolio page.

You will always operate in the system with the permissions linked to the role you have currently selected. If you have both organization administrator and unit lead roles for the same organization, and you select your unit lead role, you will have unit lead-level permissions. To access the organization administrator functionality, select that role.

If you manually refresh a page, the page will refresh with your highest permission level selected. If you have both organization administrator and unit lead roles for the same organization and you refresh a page, the page will reload with your organization administrator role selected.