Authors and affiliations

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Author names 

Author names and details are managed in the Cochrane Account system, and authors can update their own names and emails in Cochrane Account. Managing editors and the Cochrane Support Team can also update some basic details (name, email address, and country) on authors’ behalf in Archie, if needed.

Add and remove authors

Cochrane authors listed in a review are also managed in Archie, and the author list can be updated by editorial teams or the Cochrane Support Team. If you would like to request a change to your review author list, please email your Managing Editor or  See Archie Knowledge Base for instructions on Document roles.

Author order

As of 16 June 2023, the order in which authors appear in the review is managed exclusively in RevMan. 

For Cochrane reviews not using RevMan portfolio and project management features, changes to the author order can only be made by editorial staff and the Cochrane Support Team. 

For Cochrane reviews using RevMan portfolio and project management features changes to the author order can also be made by the authors.

To change the author order, open the review in RevMan, select About this review in the left-hand menu and navigate to the Authors section.

If the review is in the old review format, select Review Information in the left-hand menu and navigate to the Authors section.

Then, find the author(s) incorrectly ordered and click on the corresponding down arrow icon

Click on the Action button and choose Move up or Move down as needed. Repeat until you have the correct author order. Alternatively, you can drag and drop authors within the author list to change the author order.

Changes in Authorship form

If authors are added to or removed from the review author team, as well as if the author order changes, a new Change in Authorship form must be completed if the review has already been published or submitted. See the Cochrane Library editorial policy on changes in authorship.

Author affiliations 

Authors can add and edit affiliations in RevMan. Authors are responsible for keeping affiliations up to date. Affiliations are specific to one review in RevMan. If your affiliations change before publication, you will need to update your affiliations on each review where you are an author.

Please note that Cochrane does not publish amendments to correct author affiliations or emails after publication. Please confirm your contact information is correct when you review your proofs before publication. If you have any queries about this, please contact 

Edit affiliations in About this review > Authors in the left-hand menu. If your review is not in the focused format, go to Review information > Authors in the left-hand menu

  • Authors - add or edit your author team's affiliation information when the review is in Authoring phase. Confirm affiliations show correctly before publication. 
  • Editorial teams - you can add or edit affiliation information when the review is in Authoring or Editorial phase.

Edit an affiliation

Click on the arrow next to the author name. Click on the relevant affiliation. Select Edit affiliation.

Edit fields as needed. Click Back to Authors. Your edit will automatically be saved, and appear in the list of affiliations. 

Add an affiliation

Click on the author's name. Select Add Affiliation. Enter information in fields as needed. City and Country fields are required. Department and Organisation are optional. For affiliations based in the United States, a State field will appear, which is optional.  

Click Back to Authors. The new affiliation will be added to the list of affiliations for the review. 

Reorder or delete affiliations

Affiliations appear in order, based on all affiliations for the first author, numbered sequentially 1, 2, 3; then all affiliations for second author, etc.

To reorder an author's affiliation, Click on the author's name. Click on the relevant affiliation. Use the Action menu options to move the affiliation up or down, or delete an affiliation. 

Duplicate affiliations

If two authors share an affiliation, the fields must match exactly to ensure the affiliations are listed with the same number. If two affiliations are not entered exactly the same, they will appear as separate lines. 

Contact Person's details

Click Edit Contact address at the bottom the Authors section.