Add or remove units

This page is for

(tick) Organizational Administrators | (error) Unit Leads | (error) Individual subscribers | (error) Cochrane users

Add unit

Watch our short video on how to create a unit and add a unit lead.

Log in to the RevMan Portfolio pages as an organization administrator.

A unit needs to be created first before a review can be added.

On your organization administration page, select Add unit.

Enter the unit name and click Add unit. You will see a Success notification pop-up.

You will be given the option to navigate to the unit portfolio page.

Select OK, got it to remain on the organization administration page. 

Remove unit

On your organization administration page, select the three dots to the right of the Unit name. Select Remove unit.

Choose how reviews in the unit will be handled when the unit is removed.

  • Move to other unit - moves all the reviews to a unit of your choice
  • Delete - deletes all reviews in the unit and all associated data. This action cannot be undone. If you or the authors may need access to these reviews in future, select Move to other unit. When the reviews have moved to a unit of your choice, you can deactivate them if you wish. See Managing your reviews.

Remove unit and retain reviews

If you select to move reviews to another unit, the confirmation screen will ask you to confirm the destination for the reviews.

All Unit Lead roles in the unit will be removed. Select OK, continue

Remove unit and delete all reviews and data

If you select to delete all reviews, the confirmation screen will ask you to confirm that all reviews will be deleted.

All Unit Lead roles in the unit will also be removed. Select OK, continue. This action cannot be undone. 

If you or the authors may need access to these reviews in future, select Cancel.

Please note: changes you make to your Cochrane RevMan Portfolio (such as changes to units, roles or reviews) will show immediately in your browser. However, if you have another tab open or changes are made by another user, you may have to refresh the page to see those changes.