This guide will give you some tips and ideas on how to manage your translation project. If you have other suggestions, please let us know.

Keep track of your work

There will be a lot to keep track of! It will be useful to create a spreadsheet to keep an overview of translations in progress, who is working on them, when were they published, and other details. Here is an example of the type of information you might want to include. If you use a Google spreadsheet, multiple people can access and edit it, and changes are saved automatically.

Update outdated translations

When Reviews are updated your translations become out of date. We mark translations as out of date on automatically, but they remain accessible. You can check on Archie, whether any of your translations need to be updated. Aim to check for outdated translations every 1-2 months, and update them, where possible. The translation memory will make it quicker, if the changes are minor. Please see this YouTube video for step-by-step instructions to find outdated translations.

Train your team

When a new translator joins your project, be clear about what you expect from them and make sure they have all the information they need to start translating. You could create an induction pack, including for example the following information:

Manage your team

If you work with many volunteers, this could quickly become a challenge to manage. Here are some tips that may help.