Getting journalists to engage with you can be difficult, but they are key to successful communication and dissemination. Establishing a relationship is crucial to increase the likelihood of getting your story noticed. This guide contains tips to help get you started. If you need more help or an answer to a specific media or press question, please contact

Tips for building relationships

The key to success is putting in the effort to build a personal connection with journalists. It can be a slow and lengthy process, but worth it in the long run.

Tips for targeting journalists/media outlets/bloggers

Face to face with the media: Tips for talking to journalists

As a local Cochrane group in your region or country, you could be asked to comment on any Cochrane story/piece of evidence – proactively or reactively. This could include:

If you are approached to do an interview, ask the journalist/producer what questions will be asked, so that you can refer the interview on if the topics are not within your area of expertise.

If you do plan to speak with a journalist here are a few tips: