This guide gives you a checklist of aspects to consider when you plan your Cochrane translation project.

1. Decide what you want to translate

2. Priority setting

Due to the amount of published Cochrane Reviews, you will need to decide which to prioritise first and how you will select Reviews for translation on an ongoing basis. We strongly recommend that you focus on newly published and updated Reviews. The research in these Reviews will be more recent, and there is less risk of the Reviews being updated soon after you translated them. We do not translate withdrawn Reviews, and we also discourage the translation of old Reviews that have not been updated for a long time, or that investigate historical interventions that are no longer in use.

When you decide which topics to prioritise, you may want to consider:

3. Plan your (human) resources

A translation project requires a large amount of time from people who manage the project, translate and edit.

4. Plan your translation workflow

Your workflow should include at least two different steps, performed by two different people: Translation and Editing.

5. Ensuring quality and consistency

Cochrane Reviews are very specialised texts, and translation is a difficult task. Given the content of our Reviews and the potential impact on the health of humans, it is very important that the translations are accurate, high quality and clear. Don’t compromise on quality – it is more important than quantity.

6. Get set up and trained in using Phrase

We use Phrase, a web-based system, to manage and publish our translations. All teams and translators can get individual user accounts.

7. Set project objectives

Once you have decided how to approach your translation activities, it is time to set some short-term and longer-term goals: How many translations per week or per month do you think your team can achieve? What do you want to achieve in year 1?

8. Promote your translations and track response

Media, communication, social media accounts and collaboration activities will increase access to your translations. Think about how your translations will reach a wider audience, and measure your success so you can demonstrate the importance of your work and potentially make a case for funding.