Target releaseGlobal Evidence Summit
EpicLink to related JIRA epic or feature
Document status
Document owner
DesignerHolly Millward
DevelopersDaan Wilmer
QAOlga Ahtirschi


Background and strategic fit

In previous years, a third-party app was created that did not communicate with the colloquium website — changes made in users' personal schedules in the app did not show up on the website and vice versa. Developing the app in-house means we can enable communication between the app and the website, and prevent organizers from incurring the cost of hiring a third party to develop an app.



#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1View scheduleAs an event visitor, I want to view the event's full schedule.Must have 
2Update scheduleAs an event visitor, I want to view the latest version of the event's schedule.Must have 
3Sign upAs an event visitor, I want to sign up for events. This needs to be synced with the website.Must have 
4Personal scheduleAs an event visitor, I want to be able to see my personal schedule.Must have 
5Navigate colloquiumAs an event visitor, I want to browse the locations and see where the events take place.Should have 
6View schedule after connection lossAs an event visitor, I want to be able to still view the full schedule and my personal schedule after I have lost internet connectionMust have 
7Navigate colloquium after connection lossAs an event visitor, I want to browse the locations and see where the events take place after I have lost internet connection.Should have 

User interaction and design

Include any mockups, diagrams or visual designs relating to these requirements.


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

(e.g. How we make users more aware of this feature?)Communicate the decision reached

Not Doing